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by Wayne Hinson

Scripture: John 10:1-18
This content is part of a series.

The Issues of the Sheep (4 of 6)
Series: Sheepology 101
Wayne Hinson
John 10: 1-18

I. Issues About Direction
A) Called Sheep
1. The Announcement
2. The Addressed
3. The Appointed
B) Cast Sheep
C) Career Sheep

II. Issues About Decisions
A) About Defenseless
B) About Destruction

III. Issues About Dependence
A) Gatherer
B) Guide
C) Guardian
1. About the sheep's diet
2. About the sheep's development

Intro: Life at it's best is full of issues. In the lifespan of a physical and spiritual sheep, issues are almost a daily occurrence. The questions of how to, when to, where to and how much cannot be done away with, but must be dealt with. How we deal with the issues of life determines, for the most part, what kind of sheep we will be. As we continue our studies,and in particular, the study of issues, we further see:

I. The Issues Of Direction

A) Called Sheep (verse 3)

1) The Announcement ("He calleth")
In verse 27, the Shepherd calls the sheep "my sheep". This call is not a general call in hope that some sheep might hear it. This is a specific and unique call to specific and unique sheep. The call to salvation is to "whosoever will", but this call is to whosoever has. This is the call of relationship and kinship, and is only directed and heard by those who are members of the family.

2) The Addressed ("His own")
This is the symbol of ownership. Sheep are dependent animals and desperately need an owner who is the Shepherd, to care for them. This ownership is backed by the shepherd's willingness to lay down his life for the sheep. However, in the spiritual realm, the Shepherd has already laid down His life for we sheep, and it was His blood that purchased we sheep. As sheep of His pasture, we will never again be offered on the auction block or the slaughter pen.

3) The Appointed ("by name")
Webster defines "name" as "a word or words by which a person is designated and se ...

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