by Stan Coffey
Scripture: I Corinthians 7:3, I Peter 3:7
This content is part of a series.
Desperate Wives (4 of 7)
Series: Desperate Households
Stan Coffey, Pastor, Church At Quail Creek, Amarillo, Tx
I Corinthians 7:3; I Peter 3:7
The topic today is "Desperate Wives," and we're going to talk about the basic needs every wife desperately needs her husband
to meet in her life. Husbands, if you do these things you wife will
be happy!
How you treat your wife will determine the success of your prayer life. The effectiveness of your prayer life cannot be what God wants it to be unless you are treating your wife as the Bible says, unless you are meeting the needs of your wife.
There was a survey done by the University of Southern California of a hundred CEO's across the United States of America. They were looking for the common denominator that causes men to rise to the top in their organization. And they found after examining all of the data, after compiling it all, that there was one common denominator that occurred in at least 90 out of 100 of these men. And that was that all of them were happily married and they all considered themselves to have a strong and stable marriage.
Not only your success in prayer, but your success in life is determined by the strength of your home and the strength of your commitment to your family. Now when Peter wrote here he said that we ought to do at least three things toward our wives.
Number one, we are commanded to understand our wives. He says, "Be considerate as you live with your wives." What does it mean to be considerate? It means to be thoughtful. If you consider something, then you are thoughtful about that. We need to be thoughtful not just on Mother's Day; we need to be thoughtful everyday, amen? It means to understand our wives, to think about their needs, to think about how we can minister to them, how we can meet the needs of their life.
Understanding your wife is a lifelong process. Women are very complex, amen? I think everybody can say amen to that. But that is ...
Series: Desperate Households
Stan Coffey, Pastor, Church At Quail Creek, Amarillo, Tx
I Corinthians 7:3; I Peter 3:7
The topic today is "Desperate Wives," and we're going to talk about the basic needs every wife desperately needs her husband
to meet in her life. Husbands, if you do these things you wife will
be happy!
How you treat your wife will determine the success of your prayer life. The effectiveness of your prayer life cannot be what God wants it to be unless you are treating your wife as the Bible says, unless you are meeting the needs of your wife.
There was a survey done by the University of Southern California of a hundred CEO's across the United States of America. They were looking for the common denominator that causes men to rise to the top in their organization. And they found after examining all of the data, after compiling it all, that there was one common denominator that occurred in at least 90 out of 100 of these men. And that was that all of them were happily married and they all considered themselves to have a strong and stable marriage.
Not only your success in prayer, but your success in life is determined by the strength of your home and the strength of your commitment to your family. Now when Peter wrote here he said that we ought to do at least three things toward our wives.
Number one, we are commanded to understand our wives. He says, "Be considerate as you live with your wives." What does it mean to be considerate? It means to be thoughtful. If you consider something, then you are thoughtful about that. We need to be thoughtful not just on Mother's Day; we need to be thoughtful everyday, amen? It means to understand our wives, to think about their needs, to think about how we can minister to them, how we can meet the needs of their life.
Understanding your wife is a lifelong process. Women are very complex, amen? I think everybody can say amen to that. But that is ...
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