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by John Barnett

Our New Perspective
John Barnett

In 323 BC Alexander the Great was the wealthiest man on earth, humanly speaking. He had the treasures of Egypt's fabled Pharaohs, the glorious gold of Babylon, all the immense riches of the plundering Assyrians and the vast horded jewels of Persia. He had it all.

In a drinking contest with his generals outside of the conquered city of Babylon he downed 5 quarts of wine, fell into a fever and gradually died in delirium. Late one of his last nights he rolled from his cot in the military tent he slept in, crawled to the Euphrates river and tried to drown himself. His wife dragged him back from this attempt at immortalizing himself as a god.

Historians have recorded that Alexander commanded as his last request that he be buried with his hands through his coffin showing they were empty and took nothing with him. All rich and poor of all time have equally taken nothing with them, except what they sent ahead or took in their heart. Listen to how one poet captured this reality in the poem "What want I more".

In the heart of London city,
Midst the dwellings of the poor,
These bright golden words were spoken -
I have Christ what want I more.
Spoken by a woman, dying on a garret floor,
Having not one earth's possession, I have Christ what want I more.
He who heard her ran to fetch her
something from the earth's great store,
It was useless died she saying, I have Christ what want I more.
Look away from earth's attractions friend,
Their joys will soon be o'er.
Rest not 'til thy heart exclaimeth,
I have Christ what want I more!

The book of James confronted the 1st church of Jerusalem's members with a call to looking at life differently. It was all about how having Christ was all they really needed! Note James 1:9-11 as I read:
The BENEFITS of Poverty
The DANGERS of Wealth
The FALSE PROMISES of Possessions

I. The BENEFITS of Poverty

• GOD REVEALS HIS GLORY TO THE POOR Isaiah 66:1-2 Thus says the Lord: "H ...

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