Find Freedom from Your Fears
Series: Claiming Our Promised Land
David Cook
Joshua 1
INTRO: Top Fears People Face…1. Speaking in front of a group 2. Heights 3. Insects and bugs, financial problems and deep water 4. Sickness 5. Death 6. Flying 7. Loneliness 8. Dogs…Most of the fears we face every day are not based on facts, rather our own feelings. A popular University of Michigan study showed 60 percent of our fears are totally unwarranted; they never come to pass. 20 percent of our fears are focused on our past, which is completely out of our control. 10 percent of our fears are based on things so petty that they make no difference in our lives. Of the remaining 10 percent, only 4 to 5 percent could be considered justifiable. -Dennis Wattley, Seeds of Greatness, (Revell, 1983). Fear and unbelief kept God's people out of the promised land and only Joshua and Caleb were able to enter because of their faith in God's promises.
1. Just as God had a purpose and plan for Joshua and the people of God, God also has a plan for your life and this church. 2. It's easy to look at powerful people like Josh and say, "God sure had a plan for him," how can He have a plan for me? Jer. 29:11; I didn't know that I marry Amy, have 3 awesome kids, be pastor of CWBC, but it was part of God's plan. 3. God's plan is for His people to move fwd with Him in faith. Are you growing as a believer? Do you know more of His leadership in your life today than you did a year ago? 4. This summer, God is leading us to refocus on what is truly important to Him. He's calling us to move on up in our spiritual growth. That means learning to put the past in the past and preparing for the new. Read Joshua 1:1-2. God gives us time to mourn and weep, but not forever. I get the feeling the Lord had to put it like this because God's people needed to wake up to reality. John B. "Life goes on. Face reality. The man is dead. The job is yours. Get on with it." Too many churches ...
Series: Claiming Our Promised Land
David Cook
Joshua 1
INTRO: Top Fears People Face…1. Speaking in front of a group 2. Heights 3. Insects and bugs, financial problems and deep water 4. Sickness 5. Death 6. Flying 7. Loneliness 8. Dogs…Most of the fears we face every day are not based on facts, rather our own feelings. A popular University of Michigan study showed 60 percent of our fears are totally unwarranted; they never come to pass. 20 percent of our fears are focused on our past, which is completely out of our control. 10 percent of our fears are based on things so petty that they make no difference in our lives. Of the remaining 10 percent, only 4 to 5 percent could be considered justifiable. -Dennis Wattley, Seeds of Greatness, (Revell, 1983). Fear and unbelief kept God's people out of the promised land and only Joshua and Caleb were able to enter because of their faith in God's promises.
1. Just as God had a purpose and plan for Joshua and the people of God, God also has a plan for your life and this church. 2. It's easy to look at powerful people like Josh and say, "God sure had a plan for him," how can He have a plan for me? Jer. 29:11; I didn't know that I marry Amy, have 3 awesome kids, be pastor of CWBC, but it was part of God's plan. 3. God's plan is for His people to move fwd with Him in faith. Are you growing as a believer? Do you know more of His leadership in your life today than you did a year ago? 4. This summer, God is leading us to refocus on what is truly important to Him. He's calling us to move on up in our spiritual growth. That means learning to put the past in the past and preparing for the new. Read Joshua 1:1-2. God gives us time to mourn and weep, but not forever. I get the feeling the Lord had to put it like this because God's people needed to wake up to reality. John B. "Life goes on. Face reality. The man is dead. The job is yours. Get on with it." Too many churches ...
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