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by Dr. J. Vernon McGee

The Human Story
Dr. J. Vernon McGee

There is a question which every thinking mind has asked. You have asked it. It has even invaded the field of nursery rhyme as found in George MacDonald's poem:

Where did you come from, baby dear?
Out of the everywhere into the here.

"Whence came man?" has been the common question down through the ages, and it demands an answer. The statement of reply given in this little rhyme is neither scripturally nor biologically accurate, but it faces the problem of origin.
Where did the human race begin? What is the origin of man? Many explanations have been offered. Some have been popular for awhile and then discarded as lacking evidence. When I was sixteen years old I read Darwin's Origin of Species and then his Origin of Man. But Darwinian evolution is discredited today.
Dr. Arnold Brass made a tremendously revealing statement in his little pamphlet concerning Dr. Haeckel, an evolutionist. He said that Dr. Haeckel published forgeries in his book to prove his theory. Dr. Haeckel, admitting he had done that, replied saying,

I should feel utterly condemned and humiliated by the admission were it not that hundreds of the best observers and most reputable biologists lie under the same charge. The great majority of all morphological, anatomical, historical, and embryological diagrams are not true to nature, but are more or less doctored, systematized, and reconstructed.

And it was Dr. Watson, the great English evolutionist, who made the statement, "Evolution is a theory universally accepted, not because it could be proven to be true, but because the only alternative - special creation - was clearly incredible."
One of the reasons, I suppose, for the acceptance of evolution by so many is that it offers an "out" for man so that he does not have to accept the biblical account of creation. Without evolution man today is on the horns of a dilemma and has no theory. One agnostic recently declared, "We do not have to offer an ex ...

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