Bondage No More! (2 of 2)
Series How to Make Peace with Your Past
Exodus 28
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
Today we are picking up where we left off last time together learning how to make peace with our past. So take God's word and turn with me to Exodus 28.
Now if you're new to the book of Exodus .. you need to know that God gave us this book to set us free from bondage. In fact .. that's what the name EXODUS means: the way out. You see .. God specializes in setting people free from bondage.
For you .. it may be an addiction. For others .. it may be a habit. Still for others .. it may be a memory of the past. I wonder on this Mother's Day Sunday how many of our Mothers are still struggling with their past? You're haunted by your past and it's your past that is holding you in bondage.
Well … let me say to every Mother and every Father .. and frankly .. every person here today that you can make peace with your past! You really can!
You say, "Ernest, can I really reach the place in my life of having peace with my past?" Well .. let me ask you three questions:
Question # One: Do you believe that this is the Word of God? Question # Two: Do you believe what it says? Question Number three: Are you willing to obey it?
If you can say "yes" to those three questions .. you can make peace with your past. Now look with me to Exodus 28. It's here we find God describing the "garments of glory" worn by the High Priest. And it's those garments that God uses to show us ..
How to Make Peace with our Past
Last time together from Exodus 28 we discovered that to make peace with your past starts by ..
(1) Receiving God's Provision for Your Life.
And that provision is seen in that sleeveless vest worn by the High Priest called the EPHOD. Now remember .. it was the High Priest who represented man before God. He was the mediator between God and man to bring them together.
And as he came into the presence of God .. on the shoulders of the Ephod were onyx ...
Series How to Make Peace with Your Past
Exodus 28
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
Today we are picking up where we left off last time together learning how to make peace with our past. So take God's word and turn with me to Exodus 28.
Now if you're new to the book of Exodus .. you need to know that God gave us this book to set us free from bondage. In fact .. that's what the name EXODUS means: the way out. You see .. God specializes in setting people free from bondage.
For you .. it may be an addiction. For others .. it may be a habit. Still for others .. it may be a memory of the past. I wonder on this Mother's Day Sunday how many of our Mothers are still struggling with their past? You're haunted by your past and it's your past that is holding you in bondage.
Well … let me say to every Mother and every Father .. and frankly .. every person here today that you can make peace with your past! You really can!
You say, "Ernest, can I really reach the place in my life of having peace with my past?" Well .. let me ask you three questions:
Question # One: Do you believe that this is the Word of God? Question # Two: Do you believe what it says? Question Number three: Are you willing to obey it?
If you can say "yes" to those three questions .. you can make peace with your past. Now look with me to Exodus 28. It's here we find God describing the "garments of glory" worn by the High Priest. And it's those garments that God uses to show us ..
How to Make Peace with our Past
Last time together from Exodus 28 we discovered that to make peace with your past starts by ..
(1) Receiving God's Provision for Your Life.
And that provision is seen in that sleeveless vest worn by the High Priest called the EPHOD. Now remember .. it was the High Priest who represented man before God. He was the mediator between God and man to bring them together.
And as he came into the presence of God .. on the shoulders of the Ephod were onyx ...
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