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by Jeff Lynn

Scripture: Judges 13
This content is part of a series.

Steps to Standing Strong (8 of 10)
Series: Can You Deliver?
Judges 13
Jeff Lynn
Preached February 28, 2010


TEXT: Judges 13:1-3, 5, 24

I hope by now you are convinced God wants to use you and that you can become a deliverer. Even though you consider yourself "ordinary," you are exactly the person God wants to use.
God used Ehud even though he was probably considered handicapped.
God used Jael as a member of what I called the Dream Team, even though she was a housewife.
God used Gideon even though he was probably scared.
God used Jephthah, even though he had a reputation for being illegitimate.
And now I want to introduce you to one of the most notorious figures in the Bible, and, by far, the most recognizable name in the book of Judges: Samson.
You're probably thinking, "Oh great! I look more like Barney Fife than Samson."
You remember Barney Fife, don't you? He was the scrawny deputy sheriff played by Don Knotts in the Andy Griffith show back in the 1960's who probably weighed no more than 135 pounds.
Anyway, probably almost every time you have seen Samson portrayed in either pictures or on television, you see a man who is 6'4" tall, 225 pounds, with a gorgeous dark tan, perfect muscle tone, with all the ripples in the right places. (You and I may have ripples…they're just not in the right places…).
We have the tendency to look at someone like that and say, "I could never be that strong."
However, I don't think Samson looked anything like what is portrayed by Hollywood or others throughout history. I think he was an average Joseph who may have looked more like Barney Fife than you think. Otherwise, why would everybody who knew him be so fascinated with how he got his strength? If you recall, his strength came from his hair, not his physique.
I remember reading the biography of Bill Bates, who was a defensive back for the Dallas Cowboys, who was told early in his career that he was too small to play in the NFL. He p ...

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