by Wayne Hinson
Scripture: Acts 8:26-32, Acts 8:34-40
This content is part of a series.
That The Scriptures Are Burdening Me (5 of 11)
Series: I Can See Clearly Now
Wayne Hinson
Acts 8: 26-40
INTRO: This story is one of a sinner man who was blind spiritually, just as all sinners are. It is also the story a a servant man, who was blessed to be used of the Lord. Notice in verse 26, that the comand to Phillip from the angel of the Lord was "go into the way that goeth down". Many today are willing to go up where there is recognition, prosperity, and prestige, but few are will to go down to the lonely, isolated regions where the sinner dwells. Since the Saviour came down to the depths and despair of our sinful existence, we should be willing to go there for him. This is the story of a sinner man who desired to see clearly the Saviour that Isaiah only saw cloudily. This is the story of how a lonely road became a lovely place. This is the divine account of two men who were worlds apart racially, religiously and regionally. This is the story of a Saviour who does not see racial color, religious clout or regional causes. He only sees a sinner lost, and he sends the willing servant to unveil a worthy Saviour. You and I were the same as this Ethiopian eunich. We were lost in the desert of sin's vast wasteland, without hope, with hell as our destination, not free to live and not fit to die. It was then that some man was sent with the message of hope and got into our chariot, and introduced us to that some other man from heaven. Thank God for the day when we could say, "I can see clearly now". As we study this text further, we are able to see:
A) He uses the preacher, the Servant
Notice that in verse 25, we are told that Phillip was preaching in Samaria and Jerusalem when the Holy Ghost comissioned him for the task. Then notice in verse 25, that when he arrived at the scene, he preached. Finally notice in verse 40, that when he left, he was found preaching at Azotus. Phillip was a preacher man, ...
Series: I Can See Clearly Now
Wayne Hinson
Acts 8: 26-40
INTRO: This story is one of a sinner man who was blind spiritually, just as all sinners are. It is also the story a a servant man, who was blessed to be used of the Lord. Notice in verse 26, that the comand to Phillip from the angel of the Lord was "go into the way that goeth down". Many today are willing to go up where there is recognition, prosperity, and prestige, but few are will to go down to the lonely, isolated regions where the sinner dwells. Since the Saviour came down to the depths and despair of our sinful existence, we should be willing to go there for him. This is the story of a sinner man who desired to see clearly the Saviour that Isaiah only saw cloudily. This is the story of how a lonely road became a lovely place. This is the divine account of two men who were worlds apart racially, religiously and regionally. This is the story of a Saviour who does not see racial color, religious clout or regional causes. He only sees a sinner lost, and he sends the willing servant to unveil a worthy Saviour. You and I were the same as this Ethiopian eunich. We were lost in the desert of sin's vast wasteland, without hope, with hell as our destination, not free to live and not fit to die. It was then that some man was sent with the message of hope and got into our chariot, and introduced us to that some other man from heaven. Thank God for the day when we could say, "I can see clearly now". As we study this text further, we are able to see:
A) He uses the preacher, the Servant
Notice that in verse 25, we are told that Phillip was preaching in Samaria and Jerusalem when the Holy Ghost comissioned him for the task. Then notice in verse 25, that when he arrived at the scene, he preached. Finally notice in verse 40, that when he left, he was found preaching at Azotus. Phillip was a preacher man, ...
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