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by Dennis Marquardt

Scripture: 1 Kings 19:1-21
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Escape From Depression! (7 of 9)
Series: Great Escapes
Dennis Marquardt
1 Kings 19:1-21

INTRO: Depression can be a very debilitating experience. Sometimes depression can be caused by really depressing circumstances:

ILLUS: Like the man who went in for a corn on his foot, it was too painful to ignore. Because of the pain he asked for an anesthetic. It was injected and he had an allergic reaction so severe his heart stopped. The frantic doctors immediately operated and administered direct heart message to revive him. In the process of the operation an accidental overdose of oxygen was given and another surgery had to be performed to deal with the swollen stomach that resulted. After 2 operations now he was being returned to the recovery room when the elevator jammed. They decided to transfer the man to a stretcher to get him out of the elevator and while doing this an intern slipped and the man dropped to the floor of the elevator breaking his arm and collar bone, he immediately started gasping for air and so they rushed him into his third surgery ... a tracheotomy! After all this the doctors had completely forgotten about his corn which still existed untouched! This guy had reasons to be depressed! - Source Unknown

At other times, depression is more a problem of perspective than of objective reality. Depression is our reaction to the circumstances of life around us, good or bad ... perceived correctly or incorrectly. Sometimes even good news can be overwhelmed by bad news, and depression can still result:

ILLUS: Like the doctor who told his patient: ''I have good news and bad news for you, what would you like first?'' The patient said, ''Give me the good news first.'' The doctor said, ''You've only got 3 weeks to live.'' The patient was shocked at this being the good news and said, ''If that's the good news, what's the bad new?'' The doctor responded, ''I should have told you 2 weeks ago!'' - Source Unknown

All joking aside, depression can grip the ...

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