New Year's Confidence
David Cook
Revelation 12:1-11
INTRO: It is so reassuring and confidence building to know that God and good will ultimately triumph over Satan and evil. Satan's mission has always been to steal, kill, and destroy - while the Lord Jesus came that we might have life to the full (John 10:10). We cannot trust in what we see only with our physical eyes in order to determine victory or defeat. In the present time, it appears that Satan has the upper hand and that he will triumph. Yet, we know on the testimony and truth of the Word of God that Jesus has already overcome through His coming to this earth as baby in Bethlehem - death on the cross - ascension to the Father and ultimately He is returning as Victorious King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Don't let anything take away the joy of victory in Jesus this New Year or any other time of year!
ILLUS: James Dobson tells of a friend of his during their days in medical school. One day this man was walking across campus laden with books and briefcase. He passed by a fast food stand, and ordered something to eat and a milkshake to wash it down. He balanced it all on top of his briefcase and began looking for an empty table at which to sit. While looking, the milkshake got the better of him, and he bent down without looking in order to take a sip from the straw. The straw missed his mouth and ended up in his nose. Embarrassed, but not at a loss, he thought that if he straightened up the straw would stay in the shake. But when he lifted his head, the straw came out of the shake and remained in his nose, dripping the milkshake down the front of his suit. In a moment, all his confidence evaporated.
PROP. SENT: The Bible teaches through God's plan, providence, and power the Lord Jesus Christ and His followers will have eternal victory while Satan and his demons will be utterly vanquished. Make sure you are on the winning team by belonging totally to the Lord!
David Cook
Revelation 12:1-11
INTRO: It is so reassuring and confidence building to know that God and good will ultimately triumph over Satan and evil. Satan's mission has always been to steal, kill, and destroy - while the Lord Jesus came that we might have life to the full (John 10:10). We cannot trust in what we see only with our physical eyes in order to determine victory or defeat. In the present time, it appears that Satan has the upper hand and that he will triumph. Yet, we know on the testimony and truth of the Word of God that Jesus has already overcome through His coming to this earth as baby in Bethlehem - death on the cross - ascension to the Father and ultimately He is returning as Victorious King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Don't let anything take away the joy of victory in Jesus this New Year or any other time of year!
ILLUS: James Dobson tells of a friend of his during their days in medical school. One day this man was walking across campus laden with books and briefcase. He passed by a fast food stand, and ordered something to eat and a milkshake to wash it down. He balanced it all on top of his briefcase and began looking for an empty table at which to sit. While looking, the milkshake got the better of him, and he bent down without looking in order to take a sip from the straw. The straw missed his mouth and ended up in his nose. Embarrassed, but not at a loss, he thought that if he straightened up the straw would stay in the shake. But when he lifted his head, the straw came out of the shake and remained in his nose, dripping the milkshake down the front of his suit. In a moment, all his confidence evaporated.
PROP. SENT: The Bible teaches through God's plan, providence, and power the Lord Jesus Christ and His followers will have eternal victory while Satan and his demons will be utterly vanquished. Make sure you are on the winning team by belonging totally to the Lord!
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