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by Dennis Marquardt

Scripture: Matthew 13:44-46
This content is part of a series.

Hidden Treasure! (4 of 9)
Dennis Marquardt
Series: The "Parables"
Matthew 13:44-46

INTRO: Captain Kidd and hidden treasure always excites the imagination of a young boy or girl. The treasure map and the hidden treasure have intrigued the minds and spirits of men and women for centuries. If only someone could find it!

Some have spent their life savings to recover hidden treasures; the excitement of the search and the reward of a find have made some give up a fortune in search of buried treasures somewhere.

Ancient custom back to the time of early man has been to hide wealth; our bank system is relatively a new concept, no banks existed many years ago, instead men would bury their wealth in a field or in their homes ... often when leaving to go to war, sometimes never returning! Today there are many places in the Middle East that still have tremendous amounts of hidden treasures buried because of this ancient practice. The location of these buried treasures often died with their owners, it is not uncommon to see people digging in fields in hopes of finding some of these treasures.

ILLUS: Hidden treasures today are rare. In the ancient biblical lands, however, they were common. Palestine, which was a land bridge between Egypt and the great empires, was repeatedly invaded, ravaged, and captured. Multitudes buried gold. There were no banks. The government, nobility, clergy, and Arab invaders all robbed the common people often and without warning. Because of this, the people quickly buried treasure in the ground, in walls, in tree trunks, or wherever they could. Earthquakes could cover up entire cities and bury gold with them. All kinds of people quickly buried what they had in the face of invasion or political change. They left, they died, they were captured, and no one knew where the treasure was hidden.
W.M. Thompson was a missionary in Syria and Palestine for 30 years. He told of workmen digging up a garden in Sidon. They found sever ...

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