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by J. Gerald Harris

Scripture: Acts 2:46-47

Suppertime for the Family
Dr. Gerald Harris
Acts 2:46 And 47

This morning we are going to continue our series of messages on the family, but we're also going to be thinking about larger family, the church. And as we prepare our hearts to observe the Lord's Supper, we're going to be thinking about the family mealtime.

The mealtime has always been an important part of our family. Some of the happiest times our family has ever experiences has been around the table at mealtime. And I have to give credit to Martha Jean at this point because she tenaciously and consistently gathered us together as a family at mealtime and of course, during those meals we would eat together, but we would also hear what went on that day. We would enjoy a joke together. We would discuss an important family issue. We would look forward to a challenge- a report to give at school, some preparation for some athletic event, or perhaps even a special song or sermon to be presented at church.

Sometimes we would listen to a skinned knee episode or talk about the bird with a broken wing or plan a family vacation. These are the building blocks of esteem held together with the mortar of love.

But family mealtimes in North America are on a skid according to nearly every new pole. Seveny-four percent of the families in America eat ten or less meals together in the course of a week. Twenty-nine percent of the families eat five or less meals together in the course of a week.

Nobody decided over the last thirty years to slack off on eating together as families. It just sort of happened. It's due to a number of factors. Employment is certainly one. It takes longer to get to and from work in today's traffic, and modern bosses want more time once we're there.

The steady rise in the number of employed women- the traditional cooks in most families- has had it's effect.

Meanwhile modern technology- most notably the microwave- has made every family member his own cook... sort of.

The, ...

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