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The Good News Of The Promise
Series: Back To The Basics
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
Acts 13.13-43
August 10, 2008

Through the book of Acts .. God is telling us chapter by chapter .. that it is time for the 21st century church to get back to the basics! To get back to what He designed and desired for us from the beginning!
That is: to live under the authority of scripture .. to live Spirit filled lives (not grieving the Holy Spirit by having known sin in our life; not quenching the Holy Spirit by saying "no" when He says "yes" .. but to Walk in the Spirit clean before God and man).
That's God's design and desire for us a Christians and as His Church.
But there's more! We're to be promoting and protecting the unity of our fellowship ... we're to be filled with grace as we help the hurting and to have a what-ever-it takes attitude in getting the gospel from here to the people of the world.
This is all a part of our getting back to the basics for God's looking for some 1st century churches in the 21st century to bless with power and provision and passion!
Now last time together in chapter 13 .. you will remember that Sergius Paulus, the Governor at Paphos .. when having seen the work of God and having heard the word of God turned from his sin and turned to the savior and experienced salvation!
Then we read in verse 13, "Now when Paul and his party set sail from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia; and John, departing from them, returned to Jerusalem." We'll see more about John's departure when we get to chapter 15 .. but let me just say that Paul was not very happy with this quitting missionary.
Now beginning in verse 14 .. Paul left Perga and headed to Antioch in Pisidia. Now don't confuse this with Antioch in Syria where the grace filled church was located. Same name .. different location. That's no different than today. You talk to me about Atlanta .. Athens or Dallas .. you could mean Georgia or you could mean Texas. Same name .. diffe ...

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