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by Steve Wagers

Scripture: Nehemiah 5
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Crisis Management (5 of 10)
Series: A Closer Look at the Book: NEHEMIAH
Pastor Steve N. Wagers
Nehemiah 5
February 8. 2009

Sermon Outline
1. The Situation that Revealed the Problem!
A) Needy People
1) No Food
2) No Finances
3) No Future
B) Greedy People
1) Exploitation
2) Degradation
2. The Solution that Remedied the Problem!
A) He Considers it Wisely
B) He Confronts it Immediately
C) He Corrects it Boldly
1) A Portion to be Restored
2) A Promise to be Remembered
D) He Concludes it Properly

Hercules, according to legend, grew increasingly irritated by a menacing animal that kept blocking his path. He angrily struck the animal with his club, killing it. As he continued on his path, he kept encountering the same animal, each time more menacing than before. At last, a friend warned Hercules to stop his furious assaults. The messenger said, "The monster is Strife, and you are stirring it up. Just let it alone, and it will shrivel and die."

I once read the following statement, "Never try to solve all the problems at once; but, make them line up for you one by one. Whether you face three problems, thirty problems, or three hundred problems, make them stand in single file so you can face them one at a time."
We all have problems we face, perplexities we fight, and perils we fear. Problems are not exclusive, they are inclusive. Christians, as well as non-Christians, are confronted with problems. Being a Christian is not a guard from facing problems; in most cases, it is a guarantee for facing problems.

I walked a mile with Pleasure,
She chatted all the way,
But left me none the wiser,
For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne'er a word said she,
But, oh, the things I learned from her,
When sorrow walked with me.

One of the greatest teachers in life is sorrow, strife and struggles. Most of the greatest lessons are not learned on the mountain, but in the valley; not in the sunshine, but in the r ...

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