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by Steve Wagers

Scripture: I PETER 2:11-15
This content is part of a series.

The Will of God and Our Tribulation (2 of 3)
Series: The Mystery has been Solved
Steve N. Wagers
I Peter 2:11-15
November 16, 2008

Sermon Outline
1. Let's MEASURE our CONNECTION to this World!
A) Our Anticipation of an Eternal Home
B) Our Attitude toward an Earthly Home
2. Let's MEET our CONFLICT with this World!
A) The World Misunderstands Us
B) The World Mistreats Us
3. Let's MAINTAIN our CHARACTER in this World!
A) What we Show Them
B) How we Silence Them

I recently came across a web site entitled, "Red Letter Days." Created in 1989, "Red Letter Days," a business in England offers more than 300 experiences as "unforgettable gifts." For example, you can give someone an "unforgettable" driving experience from Ferrari driving to Formula One racing.

There is the action gift that includes everything from bungee jumping to tank diving. There is the airborne experience that includes flying vintage airplanes, hot-air ballooning to sky-diving. There is the classic experience that includes backstage passes to a trip on the Orient Express.

You can 199 pounds, roughly $380.00 U. S. dollars, and take a 4-hour off-road obstacle course at the controls of a Honda Pilot, a quad bike, a hovercraft, a Land Rover and an Abbott Tank on the grounds of Belvoir Castle. If that doesn't interest you, there is the day's trail ride on a horse through the Canadian Redwoods for 135 pounds, or a 3-hour professional recording session in a professional studio for 195 pounds. You name it, and there is a likely probability that "Red Letter Days" can provide that "unforgettable" "Red Letter Day" just for you.

As I look back over my life I think of 2 "Red Letter Days." The first "Red Letter Day" was on August 10, 1985 when I got on my knees and cried out to God to save my hell-bound, sin-sick soul. I got on my knees an old man, but I got off of my knees a "new creature, old things were passed and all things became new."

The second "Red Letter Day" was o ...

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