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by Roger Thomas

Scripture: GENESIS 4:1-16
This content is part of a series.

I Did It My Way (4 of 8)
Series: The Beginnings
Roger Thomas
Genesis 4:1-16

Introduction: If our text were a movie, I have the perfect musical soundtrack for it. It is the song Frank Sinatra made famous. In fact, it became his theme song. Sinatra co-wrote and recorded "I Did It My Way" in 1968. Many who knew Sinatra suspected that the song was part music and part autobiography. The lyrics sound the determined voice of a man who had experienced a lot of ups and downs in life. But even when life didn't turn out the way he wanted, he stood his ground. No one was going to tell him what to do. Listen to the opening verse. "And now, the end is here And so I face the final curtain/ My friend, I'll say it clear I'll state my case, of which I'm certain/ I've lived a life that's full I traveled each and ev'ry highway / And more, much more than this, I did it my way."

"I Did It My Way" is more than Sinatra's theme. It is also the story of human nature. But not just human nature in general. Yours and mine included. Our insistence on our way rather than God's way explains a lot of human experience. That song would make the perfect sound track for our text!

Genesis 4 is part of the preface to the Bible. The preface is that part of a book that explains what's to come. To picture it another way, the first eleven chapters of Genesis are like the little legend in the corner of a map. The legend shows you to how to tell up from down, where to start, and how to understand the little details. That's what the opening pages of the Bible do. If you skip that, you will have trouble understanding what follows.

Genesis 1 reveals the origin of the world we live in. Life is not an accident. Genesis 2 describes who we are and what sets humans apart from the rest of the universe. Genesis 3 explains what went wrong and why the world we live in is so different than our wishes and dreams. Genesis 3 analyzes the root of evil. Genesis 4 pictures its fruit. D ...

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