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by Rex Yancey

Scripture: ACTS 27:25

How to Survive a Storm
Rex Yancey
Acts 27:25

Storms are a part of life. Floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and devastating floods are everyday occurrences. The damage they do is enormous. According to the Insurance Information Institute, the estimated payoff on natural disasters in the past four years was more than twenty five billion dollars.
The study of storms has become a science. Meteorologists know why some occur, generally when and where they will strike, and their intensity.
We even know that good comes from them. For example, hurricanes often claim thousands of lives and can do hundreds of millions of dollars of damage. But the good they do offsets the damage. They redistribute the heat in the atmosphere that tends to build up near the equator and they provide for more than twenty five percent of the rainfall in some areas.
But with all this knowledge, what we need to know most about storms is how to survive them. So we have developed weather alert systems, marked evacuation routes, and designated storm shelters to help us.
There are other kinds of storms in life also. They are just as varied and just as destructive. They come in the form of trials, tragedies, suffering, sorrow, adversity and affliction. The first question we ask when the storm comes is "Why me?"
There are several possible answers to that question. Storms may be the result of human evil or error. God allows some storms to come our way to discipline us. They come from Satan to destroy our faith and make us bitter before God.
However, the why is not the most important question. The HOW is the most important question. We can react to our storms in one of three ways. First, we can be like a stoic and accept life with grim resignation. Second, the cynic reacts to life with mockery and defiance. And third, the steward sees life as a trust and attempts to glorify God in everything that happens.
Heavy waves and weak vessels make us vulnerable and afraid. When b ...

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