The Work of God
Brad Whitt
Genesis 1:1
INTRO: On the very first page and in the very first verse of the Bible, there is a statement that is more than just an introduction to the book of Genesis or even the whole Bible for that matter. In the very first verse on that very first page, there is a little four word statement that is the key to understanding the Bible as a whole – "In the beginning God. . ."
Now, what that tells us is that this book and the Christian faith as a whole is what it is because of the initiative of God. Did you know that you can never take God by surprise? As my pastor, Dr. Adrian Rogers used to say, "Has it ever occurred to you that nothing ever occurs to God?" And that's true. You can never anticipate Him. He's always the one that makes the first move, and the Bible tells us here in this first verse of the first book on the first page of the Bible that before man even existed, God acted. Before man works himself up to seek God, God has sought him. That's why in the Bible, we don't see man groping after God, what we see is God reaching down to man.
You know, most people, when they think about God, have the picture that He's up there in heaven, reclining comfortably on his distant throne, remote, aloof, uninterested and indifferent to the needs of us mere mortals, until at last, they can badger and bother Him enough so that He'll finally get up and do something. Can I tell you, that view is totally contrary to what I read in this book. The Bible presents to us a God who, long before it even occurs to man to turn to him, while man is still lost in darkness and sunk in sin, take the initiative, rises from His throne, lays aside His glory, and stoops to seek until He finds him.
Now, there are many ways that you and I can see this sovereign, stooping, activity of God, but John RW Stott, the former Pastor of the All Souls Church in London says that there are three main words that summarize the work and the initiative of God ...
Brad Whitt
Genesis 1:1
INTRO: On the very first page and in the very first verse of the Bible, there is a statement that is more than just an introduction to the book of Genesis or even the whole Bible for that matter. In the very first verse on that very first page, there is a little four word statement that is the key to understanding the Bible as a whole – "In the beginning God. . ."
Now, what that tells us is that this book and the Christian faith as a whole is what it is because of the initiative of God. Did you know that you can never take God by surprise? As my pastor, Dr. Adrian Rogers used to say, "Has it ever occurred to you that nothing ever occurs to God?" And that's true. You can never anticipate Him. He's always the one that makes the first move, and the Bible tells us here in this first verse of the first book on the first page of the Bible that before man even existed, God acted. Before man works himself up to seek God, God has sought him. That's why in the Bible, we don't see man groping after God, what we see is God reaching down to man.
You know, most people, when they think about God, have the picture that He's up there in heaven, reclining comfortably on his distant throne, remote, aloof, uninterested and indifferent to the needs of us mere mortals, until at last, they can badger and bother Him enough so that He'll finally get up and do something. Can I tell you, that view is totally contrary to what I read in this book. The Bible presents to us a God who, long before it even occurs to man to turn to him, while man is still lost in darkness and sunk in sin, take the initiative, rises from His throne, lays aside His glory, and stoops to seek until He finds him.
Now, there are many ways that you and I can see this sovereign, stooping, activity of God, but John RW Stott, the former Pastor of the All Souls Church in London says that there are three main words that summarize the work and the initiative of God ...
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