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by Steve Wagers

Scripture: LUKE 18:9-14
This content is part of a series.

Will You Walk Out the Same Way You Walked In? (7 of 10)
Series: Worship at Its Best
Steve N. Wagers
Luke 18:9-14
August 3, 2008

Sermon Outline
1) Let's LOOK at These Men!
A) The Respectable Life of the Pharisee
B) The Reprehensible Life of the Publican
2) Let's LISTEN to These Men!
A) A Haughty Prayer
B) A Humble Prayer
3) Let's LEAVE with These Men!
A) Going Home Rejected by God
B) Going Home Righteous before God

Someone has aptly observed:

"Some church members are as stubborn as a Missouri mule about doing church work, but sly as a fox in their own business deals; as busy as a bee in spreading the latest gossip, but as quiet as a mouse in spreading the Gospel of Christ. Many are as blind as a bat to see the needs of others but have eyes of a hawk to see the faults of a few. Some are as eager as a beaver about a barbecue, but lazy as a dog about the prayer meetings. Some will roar like a lion when things do not go just to suit them, but they are as gentle as a lamb when they need the preacher of the church. Some are as noisy as a blue jay when calling on the church for advice, but as timid as a kitten about talking to the lost and slow as a snail about visiting absentees and shut-ins. Many are night owls on Saturday night, but bed bugs on Sunday morning; slippery as eels on Sunday evenings and as scarce as hen's teeth on Wednesday nights."

That description of church members leads me to believe that Billy Sunday may have been right when he said, "Too much of the work of the Church today is like a squirrel in a cage: lots of activity, but no progress."

Erma Bombeck tells how she was sitting in church one Sunday when a small child turned around and began to smile at the people behind her. She was smiling, doing nothing else, not making a sound. When, suddenly, her mother whispered to her, "Stop that're in church." Erma concluded that, from what she could see, most people come to church looking like their deceased rich aun ...

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