Big Trouble in a Little Boat
Dan Rodgers
Mark 6:45-52
INTRODUCTION: In our story, we find the disciples in the midst of the Sea of Galilee, rowing for their lives. A raging storm had arisen, and their small vessel was in danger of sinking. In the same account given in Matthew, we read in 14:24, "But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the winds was contrary." Can you picture the scene? It's dark, and because of the storm, there was no light from the moon to guide them. The waves are beating against the bow of the ship, and their efforts to row were getting them nowhere. In John 6:19, it says, "They had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs." That would be about 3 to 3 ½ miles. The Sea of Galilee is only about 6 miles wide and 12 miles in length. So then, the disciples were right in the middle of the sea--going nowhere.
We read that Jesus came to them in the fourth watch, which would be about 3-6 a. m. Since they began rowing in the evening (the first watch), it is assumed that the storm had lasted about 9 hours.
Have you ever felt like the disciples? You were in the midst of the worst storm of your life; it's dark, you are rowing or working to get out of the trouble in which you find yourself, and you realize that even with your best efforts, you are getting nowhere. Let's hold those thoughts this morning, and consider what the Lord would say to us. I have three things:
I. Disquieted Seas
II. Disconcerted Seamen
III. Disconnected Sailors
A. The Serenity of the Sea
1. It's obvious from our story, the storm did not occur until sometime after they disciples had departed for Bethsaida. If there had been a storm, they would not have boarded the ship. No, this was a peaceful time; the seas were calm, and there was no reason to think they would soon be faced with a raging tempest.
ILLUS: My wife and I have had the privilege of riding on the Sea of Ga ...
Dan Rodgers
Mark 6:45-52
INTRODUCTION: In our story, we find the disciples in the midst of the Sea of Galilee, rowing for their lives. A raging storm had arisen, and their small vessel was in danger of sinking. In the same account given in Matthew, we read in 14:24, "But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the winds was contrary." Can you picture the scene? It's dark, and because of the storm, there was no light from the moon to guide them. The waves are beating against the bow of the ship, and their efforts to row were getting them nowhere. In John 6:19, it says, "They had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs." That would be about 3 to 3 ½ miles. The Sea of Galilee is only about 6 miles wide and 12 miles in length. So then, the disciples were right in the middle of the sea--going nowhere.
We read that Jesus came to them in the fourth watch, which would be about 3-6 a. m. Since they began rowing in the evening (the first watch), it is assumed that the storm had lasted about 9 hours.
Have you ever felt like the disciples? You were in the midst of the worst storm of your life; it's dark, you are rowing or working to get out of the trouble in which you find yourself, and you realize that even with your best efforts, you are getting nowhere. Let's hold those thoughts this morning, and consider what the Lord would say to us. I have three things:
I. Disquieted Seas
II. Disconcerted Seamen
III. Disconnected Sailors
A. The Serenity of the Sea
1. It's obvious from our story, the storm did not occur until sometime after they disciples had departed for Bethsaida. If there had been a storm, they would not have boarded the ship. No, this was a peaceful time; the seas were calm, and there was no reason to think they would soon be faced with a raging tempest.
ILLUS: My wife and I have had the privilege of riding on the Sea of Ga ...
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