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by Dennis Marquardt

Scripture: II CHRONICLES 29
This content is part of a series.

True Worship (6 of 6)
Series: Pathways to Revival
Dennis Marquardt
2 Chronicles 29:10-36

INTRO: The final stage of Hezekiah's reforms that resulted in a great revival for Judah was restoring true worship. There are many people today that fail to appreciate the power of true worship. Rather than see a worship service as a real opportunity to enter into God's presence they often feel going to church is something they have to do ... thus no joy!

ILLUS: The reasons why I'm giving up sports: football in the fall, baseball in the summer, basketball in the winter. I've had it all. I quit attending sports once and for all, and here are my 11 excuses:
1. Every time I went, they asked for money.
2. The people I sat next to didn't seem friendly.
3. The seats were too hard and not comfortable at all.
4. I went to many games but the coach never came to call on me.
5. The referees made decisions that I couldn't agree with.
6. The game went into overtime and I was late getting home.
7. The band played numbers I'd never heard before and it wasn't my style of music.
8. It seems the games are always scheduled when I want to do other things.
9. I suspect that I was sitting next to some hypocrites. They came to see their friends and they talked during the whole game.
10. I was taken to too many games by my parents when I was growing up.
11. I hate to wait in the traffic jam in the parking lot after the game. - Source Unknown

True worship is a transforming experience, and is certainly a mark of a revived church or believer. The real tragedy is that any church can be in revival all the time. The opportunity for true worship at any service is there, we just need to enter into worship in the right way.

PROP. SENT: The Bible teaches us that there is tremendous joy in worshipping God in the right way and the right heart. The path to a revived church or believer can be found in true worship.


A. Covenant ...

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