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by Dennis Marquardt

Scripture: II KINGS 18:5-6, II KINGS 18:17-25, II KINGS 19:14-19, II KINGS 19:32-37
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Trusting in the Lord Completely (2 of 6)
Series: Pathways to Revival
Dennis Marquardt
2 Kings 18:5-6, 17-25; 19:14-19,32-37

INTRO: If the first step on the pathway to revival is repentance, the second step is complete trust in God! It is not enough to simply turn away from something like sin, we must also turn toward something like God!

One of the characteristics of true revival is an almost fanatical trust in God. Absolute trust in God was characteristic of the great champions of God. Often the failure of others in the Bible was due to the lack of trust they had in God or His Word.

The quality of our spiritual life can be directly connected to the quality of our trust in God.

Hezekiah discovered that it was one thing to tear down the high places (repentance) and yet another thing to trust God completely when the enemy is right outside your door and you are tremendously outnumbered! Trusting God completely however brought a great victory for God and His people that changed the course of a nation ... this can still be true today! Are we prepared to trust God completely?

PROP. SENT: The Bible teaches us that God calls us to completely trust Him, and that in doing so we will be victorious over our enemy, even when it seems impossible! Like the Bible states, "Everything is possible for him who believes." (Mark 9:23)


A. Choice 2 Kings 18:5
1. Hezekiah decided early on that his choice was to trust in God!
a. This is remarkable in light of the fact that his own father was an evil king who led Judah into sin!
b. Hezekiah blames no one for what happens around him, because his trust is in God, not others.
2. Hezekiah's ultimate trust was in God, not man or machines, nor armies or weapons, it was in God!
3. Too often our happiness is placed in things or others and when they disappoint us our happiness disappears.
a. When our happiness and peace can be taken from us by the actions of othe ...

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