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by Steve Jones

Scripture: MATTHEW 6
This content is part of a series.

There's More to Your Rewards than Meets the Eye (3 of 3)
Steve Jones
Matthew 6

Introduction: A certain organization offered a reward of $5000 for wolves captured alive. It resulted in two men, Sam & Jed, becoming fortune hunters. Day and night they scoured the mountains and forests looking for their valuable prey. Exhausted one night, they fell asleep dreaming of their potential fortune. Suddenly, Sam awoke to see that they were surrounded by about fifty wolves with flaming eyes and bared teeth. That's when Sam nudged his friend and said, "Wake up, Jed. We're rich!"

Today I want to talk about rewards. This is my third and last sermon in a series from Matthew 6 entitled "There's more to you than meets the eye." In this chapter Jesus gives direction for the secret, hidden life that determines who we are at our core and therefore what we do. We've already noted that there's more to your FAITH than meets the eye because we believe in God. We've also seen that there's more to our righteousness than meets the eye. We've talked about the perfect righteousness of our position in Christ, the progressive righteousness of our condition and the surpassing righteousness of integrating those two concepts through the spiritual disciplines.

Today I want to talk about rewards – there's more to your rewards than meets the eye. Now I know what you're thinking: "Steve, I don't care anything about any reward. I just love God and appreciate everything he's done for me so all of my good deeds are purely altruistic." Hey, I know that. I know you're not in it for any reward. We're not like Sam and Jed out there with the wolves. We're not spiritual fortune-hunters.

But properly understood there is no conflict between a pure heart and a desire for God's rewards. Jesus seemed to think that rewards were important. In today's scripture, Matthew chapter six, Jesus talks a lot about rewards. He's all about rewards. He uses the word "reward" more than Dog the ...

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