by Stan Coffey
Scripture: DANIEL 5:1-16
This content is part of a series.
When God Says, The Party's Over (9 of 10)
Series: The Last Days of the Planet Earth
Stan Coffey
Daniel 5:1-16
Remember on Monday night football when Don Meredith was one of the broadcast personalities. He would always sing, "The Party's Over" at the end of the game, sometimes at the end of the first half if the team was way behind and the game was lopsided.
Well, there comes a time when God says, "The party's over." God says it to a nation, He says it to an individual, He says it to a particular age.
As we look at this passage today, God says to the Babylonian empire, "The party's over." God says to the leader of Babylon at this time, Belshazzar, "The party's over."
In this chapter, we are going to see the transition from the head of gold in Nebuchadnezzar's vision, down to the breastplate of silver and arms of silver which represent the Medo-Persian empire.
Daniel saw it in a vision of Nebuchadnezzar, interpreted it and now this tremendous head of gold which was the crowning glory of the Gentile age under Nebuchadnezzar, a dictator, ruler of the entire world is going to come to a close here in chapter five.
Ezekiel 18:20 says, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die."
God is very specific about sowing and reaping. "Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap."
In Daniel 5, you see how a nation which is wealthy and powerful and the most powerful nation on the face of the earth can fall. It's really a portrait of the fall of a nation. There's some insights in it for America today that we ought to keep in mind.
Psalm 9:17 says, "The wicked shall be turned into hell and every nation that forgets God."
There's a message for the nation and I pray that America would hear the message of God today.
I. THE SCENE OF THE PARTY – (verses 1-4)
In Daniel 5, verses one through four, we have the scene of a party. It's party time in Babylon. It's sort of strange that it should be party time in Babylon because, you see, at this particu ...
Series: The Last Days of the Planet Earth
Stan Coffey
Daniel 5:1-16
Remember on Monday night football when Don Meredith was one of the broadcast personalities. He would always sing, "The Party's Over" at the end of the game, sometimes at the end of the first half if the team was way behind and the game was lopsided.
Well, there comes a time when God says, "The party's over." God says it to a nation, He says it to an individual, He says it to a particular age.
As we look at this passage today, God says to the Babylonian empire, "The party's over." God says to the leader of Babylon at this time, Belshazzar, "The party's over."
In this chapter, we are going to see the transition from the head of gold in Nebuchadnezzar's vision, down to the breastplate of silver and arms of silver which represent the Medo-Persian empire.
Daniel saw it in a vision of Nebuchadnezzar, interpreted it and now this tremendous head of gold which was the crowning glory of the Gentile age under Nebuchadnezzar, a dictator, ruler of the entire world is going to come to a close here in chapter five.
Ezekiel 18:20 says, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die."
God is very specific about sowing and reaping. "Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap."
In Daniel 5, you see how a nation which is wealthy and powerful and the most powerful nation on the face of the earth can fall. It's really a portrait of the fall of a nation. There's some insights in it for America today that we ought to keep in mind.
Psalm 9:17 says, "The wicked shall be turned into hell and every nation that forgets God."
There's a message for the nation and I pray that America would hear the message of God today.
I. THE SCENE OF THE PARTY – (verses 1-4)
In Daniel 5, verses one through four, we have the scene of a party. It's party time in Babylon. It's sort of strange that it should be party time in Babylon because, you see, at this particu ...
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