Seizing the Mars Hill Moments
The DaVinci Code
John Barnett
Acts 17:22-23
The further we go into this pagan culture growing up around us, the more we need to learn to seize what I like to call--those Mars Hill Moments.
In Acts 17, Paul had a "Mars Hill Moment" as he walked through and observed the godless culture of Athens, he discovered something that he could use to relate the truth of God's Word to a pagan, cynical, and unbelieving culture.
We are increasingly finding that we also live in a world that is pagan, cynical, and unbelieving. But it is no longer just the world, our own 'God Bless America' and 'In God We Trust' America is also rapidly becoming a pagan, Biblically illiterate, and godless culture.
So what did Paul do? He examined the Athenian culture until he found something that reflected an imperfect or improper understanding of God and used that as a bridge to explain the truth. Then he waited to see if anyone would engage him in seeking the truth. After Paul was mocked and derided, God used him to minister to some seeking hearts and a church was born.
TDC (throughout this abbreviation for The Da Vinci Code) offers to us a "Mars Hill Moment". It is one of those bridges into the world of unbelievers. To explain what I mean, open with me to Acts 17:22-23.
Acts 17:22-23 Then Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, "Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious; 23 for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore, the One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you: NKJV
Paul walked around and examined the Athenian culture. He did not attack that culture, he examined and found a place that he could make contact with them. This morning may I examine TDC as a reflection of the culture of our world today? And then show you how to proclaim Jesus Christ to anyone who will listen?
Some of yo ...
The DaVinci Code
John Barnett
Acts 17:22-23
The further we go into this pagan culture growing up around us, the more we need to learn to seize what I like to call--those Mars Hill Moments.
In Acts 17, Paul had a "Mars Hill Moment" as he walked through and observed the godless culture of Athens, he discovered something that he could use to relate the truth of God's Word to a pagan, cynical, and unbelieving culture.
We are increasingly finding that we also live in a world that is pagan, cynical, and unbelieving. But it is no longer just the world, our own 'God Bless America' and 'In God We Trust' America is also rapidly becoming a pagan, Biblically illiterate, and godless culture.
So what did Paul do? He examined the Athenian culture until he found something that reflected an imperfect or improper understanding of God and used that as a bridge to explain the truth. Then he waited to see if anyone would engage him in seeking the truth. After Paul was mocked and derided, God used him to minister to some seeking hearts and a church was born.
TDC (throughout this abbreviation for The Da Vinci Code) offers to us a "Mars Hill Moment". It is one of those bridges into the world of unbelievers. To explain what I mean, open with me to Acts 17:22-23.
Acts 17:22-23 Then Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, "Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious; 23 for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore, the One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you: NKJV
Paul walked around and examined the Athenian culture. He did not attack that culture, he examined and found a place that he could make contact with them. This morning may I examine TDC as a reflection of the culture of our world today? And then show you how to proclaim Jesus Christ to anyone who will listen?
Some of yo ...
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