A Faith for the Future
Dan Rodgers
Hebrews 11:1-6
January 12, 2008
INTRODUCTION: As we read through chapter 11 of Hebrews, we are impressed with the amount of importance God places on faith...and why not, faith is the essential thing we need in order to connect with God (vs.6).
I want to challenge you this evening to think about faith--the faith you and I need for the future. Or future is uncertain, we have no idea what lies ahead in this coming year; and yet, God wants us to believe in Him--to trust Him, to live out our days in faith.
Abel exercised faith, Enoch, exercised faith, and Noah, and Sarah, and Abraham...and all the saints mentioned in this chapter. You may say, "But I'm not like any of these people you've just mentioned--these people had such great faith." Listen, God purposely placed the names of each one of these individuals in the Bible for us, that we might learn from them, that we, like they, might learn how to face the future. The Bible says in 1 Cor 10:11, "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples..."
We want an unshakable faith--a strong faith--a faith that causes us to move ahead with God, no matter what the circumstances or obstacles:
QUOTE: Erwin W. Lutzer wrote, "A Christian who walks by faith accepts all circumstances from God. He thanks God when everything goes good, when everything goes bad, and for the "blues" which are somewhere in-between. He thanks God whether he feels like it or not. His faith is firmly fixed in God."
Let me give you a few thoughts to our message, "A Faith for the Future"
A. God has limited our knowledge about tomorrow
1. Someone might say, "Well, I know what I'll be doing tomorrow; I plan to go to work and complete some unfinished projects, go home after work, eat supper and go to bed." In reality, even the simple things we repeat day after day--the things that are part of our routine...we don't know how they will turn out tomorrow--only God ...
Dan Rodgers
Hebrews 11:1-6
January 12, 2008
INTRODUCTION: As we read through chapter 11 of Hebrews, we are impressed with the amount of importance God places on faith...and why not, faith is the essential thing we need in order to connect with God (vs.6).
I want to challenge you this evening to think about faith--the faith you and I need for the future. Or future is uncertain, we have no idea what lies ahead in this coming year; and yet, God wants us to believe in Him--to trust Him, to live out our days in faith.
Abel exercised faith, Enoch, exercised faith, and Noah, and Sarah, and Abraham...and all the saints mentioned in this chapter. You may say, "But I'm not like any of these people you've just mentioned--these people had such great faith." Listen, God purposely placed the names of each one of these individuals in the Bible for us, that we might learn from them, that we, like they, might learn how to face the future. The Bible says in 1 Cor 10:11, "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples..."
We want an unshakable faith--a strong faith--a faith that causes us to move ahead with God, no matter what the circumstances or obstacles:
QUOTE: Erwin W. Lutzer wrote, "A Christian who walks by faith accepts all circumstances from God. He thanks God when everything goes good, when everything goes bad, and for the "blues" which are somewhere in-between. He thanks God whether he feels like it or not. His faith is firmly fixed in God."
Let me give you a few thoughts to our message, "A Faith for the Future"
A. God has limited our knowledge about tomorrow
1. Someone might say, "Well, I know what I'll be doing tomorrow; I plan to go to work and complete some unfinished projects, go home after work, eat supper and go to bed." In reality, even the simple things we repeat day after day--the things that are part of our routine...we don't know how they will turn out tomorrow--only God ...
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