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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: JAMES 5:1-6
This content is part of a series.

Money Talks! (10 of 14)
Series: Christianity in Shoeleather
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
James 5:1-6

Take God's Word and turn with me to James 5. For some time now from the book of James .. we've been thinking under the heading CHRISTIANTY IN SHOELEATHER. You won't find a more practical and pertinent and personal book in the Bible than the book of James.

You've heard me say that what the book of Proverbs is the Old Testament the book of James is to the New Testament. Both Proverbs and James take biblical truth and puts it down where we live. And how we have been blessed these days from the book of James.

Now today .. we are moving into the last chapter of James which means we're going to be wrapping up our study in the next couple of weeks. Let me give you an early Christmas gift idea. We will be packaging this entire series of messages on CD's (13 messages?) and making those available just in time for Christmas. What a wonderful gift to give: CHRISTIANITY IN SHOELEATHER .. chapter by chapter of practical Christianity!

We now come to the final chapter .. chapter 5 .. as we pick up where we left off last time together. Now the person who says there is no God is a fool. The Bible says that ‘‘the fool has said in his heart there is no God.’‘ But as we saw last time together .. he's not the biggest fool.

Yes .. there is a bigger fool than the person who doesn't believe there is a God and that is the person who believes there is a God yet doesn't live like it. It's a fool who believes in God yet lives in adultery. It's a fool who believes in God yet never prays .. never worships .. never gives .. never witnesses. They are practical atheists. They say they believe yet you would never know it by the way they live .. by the way they judge others .. by the way they treat others. For as we have recently learned ... the way we treat others reveals what we believe about God.

Well ... that's what James was talking about at the end of chapter 4 and ...

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