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by Fred Lowery

Scripture: 1 John 4:18, Ephesians 6:4, Colossians 3:21

The Kind of Dad Your Child Needs and Wants
Fred Lowery
1 Thessalonians 2:6-12; 1 John 4:18; Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21

Today is Father's Day and we salute you fathers. Fathers don't get all the accolades that mothers do and we certainly don't get the gifts they do. And a lot of times we don't say enough about how important fathers are. My goal is to encourage you this morning and I thought how can I encourage the fathers and the only thing that came to me was keep it short.

But on fathers day and every other day there is no better place to turn than the word of God. That's what these singers have been singing about, Word of God Speak, and we are in the book of Thessalonians and Paul is writing to the church at Thessalonica and he is encouraging them. Encouraging them because they have accepted the gospel, they have followed the leadership of Paul and they are serving the true and the living God and so Paul wants to encourage them. And in chapter 2 Paul says our message was a message to encourage you, because you are doing what's best for your life, you're doing what you should do, you're doing what will bring you the greatest fulfillment in your life. Paul says I have no hidden agenda no tricks, no gimmicks, I've walked before you in love and in truth and with my lips and with my life I have shared with you the gospel. The word of God.

In first Thessalonians chapter two we pick up reading with verse six. We were not looking for praise from you or anyone else, we are apostles of Christ. When we were with you we could have used our authority to make you do things but we were very gentle with you. We were like a mother caring for her little children. Because we loved you. We were happy to share God's good news with you. But not only that we were also happy to share even our own lives with you. Brothers I know that you remember how hard we worked. We worked day and night so that we would not burden any of you while we preached God's news to you. When ...

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