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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: LUKE 6:12-16
This content is part of a series.

What It Takes To Change The World (1 of 13)
12 Men Who Changed The World
Brad Whitt
Luke 6:12-16

INTRO: If you will, I want you to take your Bibles now this morning and turn with me to Luke chapter 6. This morning I'm really excited, because we're going to begin a series of studies on some very ordinary men who Christ called to accomplish some very extraordinary things. As a matter of fact, some people in their day actually said about these men that they had even turned the world upside-down. Well, if they were able to turn the world upside-down, my prayer is that as we go through this study together, looking at their lives and watching how they walked with Jesus, that the Lord will change you and me into the ones who would turn the world right-side up.

I read a church sign this past week that I had to say "amen" to. Now, most of the time I don't care for the cheesy one-liners that churches will put on their signs, (which is why we don't put them on our church sign here at Temple) but even though I normally don't care or even pay much attention to the silly statements that are put on church signs, this one got my attention. And here's what it said -- "God uses people to change the world." You know, that is so true. God uses people to change the world. But here's the one thing that the sign left off - before God can use someone to change the world, God has first got to change that person.

And that is exactly what we're going to discover as we begin a new series of studies on the "12 Men Who Changed The World." You see, at the beginning of His earthly ministry, Jesus selected twelve men to follow Him. We know them as the twelve disciples or the twelve apostles. (The titles seem to be used interchangeably.) And even though these men were totally different in their backgrounds and beliefs, their personalities and their politics, their social standing and their stage of life, He formed all of them, except one, into the leaders of the earl ...

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