A Life Shared
Steve Jones
Acts 2:42
Acts 2:42 "The devoted themselves to the fellowship"
Central Idea -- The Christian life is a shared life.
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word "fellowship"? If you're like me, it might be food. I hear "fellowship" and start to salivate like Pavlov's dog because I was raised on fellowship dinners in the church.
But the word fellowship is closer to the word "share". Acts 2:42 tells us that the new Christians were devoted to the Apostles teaching, FELLOWSHIP, breaking of bread and prayer. So what does it mean to be devoted to fellowship? It means that we live a shared life...shared with the community of fellow believers.
Quote from Christian Standard article by Mandy Smith:
"Imagine hearing the following at the opening of your next church service:
Welcome! We're going to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth today. So let's strip off all encumbrances by removing our shoes, socks and accessories. Now, grab someone new and give them a hug. Go on, don't be shy. In fact, the Bible tells us to greet one another with a holy kiss! Now, empty out the contents of your pockets and purses and form small groups to examine them together. Open up to those around you. Tell them your fears and weaknesses so you can feel the love of your Christian family.
How comfortable would this intro make you feel? A few people might relish the attention, but most would be hesitant to divulge the contents of their pockets, or even of their shoes. All imaginary scenarios aside, I've come to understand that a significant group in our churches feels this uncomfortable on a regular basis."
Being devoted to "fellowship" and living a shared life is not the same thing as being an extrovert. There's nothing wrong with being an extrovert mind you...I married one. Introverts love to marry extroverts because we can let them do all the work while we just relax. But there's nothing wr ...
Steve Jones
Acts 2:42
Acts 2:42 "The devoted themselves to the fellowship"
Central Idea -- The Christian life is a shared life.
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word "fellowship"? If you're like me, it might be food. I hear "fellowship" and start to salivate like Pavlov's dog because I was raised on fellowship dinners in the church.
But the word fellowship is closer to the word "share". Acts 2:42 tells us that the new Christians were devoted to the Apostles teaching, FELLOWSHIP, breaking of bread and prayer. So what does it mean to be devoted to fellowship? It means that we live a shared life...shared with the community of fellow believers.
Quote from Christian Standard article by Mandy Smith:
"Imagine hearing the following at the opening of your next church service:
Welcome! We're going to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth today. So let's strip off all encumbrances by removing our shoes, socks and accessories. Now, grab someone new and give them a hug. Go on, don't be shy. In fact, the Bible tells us to greet one another with a holy kiss! Now, empty out the contents of your pockets and purses and form small groups to examine them together. Open up to those around you. Tell them your fears and weaknesses so you can feel the love of your Christian family.
How comfortable would this intro make you feel? A few people might relish the attention, but most would be hesitant to divulge the contents of their pockets, or even of their shoes. All imaginary scenarios aside, I've come to understand that a significant group in our churches feels this uncomfortable on a regular basis."
Being devoted to "fellowship" and living a shared life is not the same thing as being an extrovert. There's nothing wrong with being an extrovert mind you...I married one. Introverts love to marry extroverts because we can let them do all the work while we just relax. But there's nothing wr ...
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