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by Chuck McAlister

Scripture: LUKE 14:16-24
This content is part of a series.

Your Witness (2 of 6)
Dr. Chuck McAlister
Luke 14:16-24

(A) Series .... BACK TO BASICS !
1- Basics of spiritual growth .... What happens right after salvation.
2- Looking together at the 6 elements involved in spiritual growth -- the 6 basic building blocks of the Christian life.
a- You never grow beyond these 6 elements .... you grow in them.
b- Last week .... we looked at the 1st element -- Worship!
.... We saw that the moment you are genuinely saved -- God creates within you a thirst to glorify and worship Him.
.... Acting on that thirst .... by worshiping God .... starts you growing spiritually .... as you experience His presence anew.
c- However .... genuine worship is not where your spiritual growth ends ....
d- In fact, genuine worship compels you to move into the 2nd element of your spiritual growth.
.... Woman at the well .... spiritually thirsty .... encountered Jesus .... had her thirst met .... Jesus taught her about worship.
.... And she immediately went into the city and started witnessing.
* Genuine worship will compel you to tell others about Jesus.
.... look at the 2nd element of spiritual growth .... YOUR WITNESS!
-- Your Witness, as you grow in Jesus, will have 5 components:


(A) Jesus is telling a story about salvation .... With each part of this story representing something about being saved.
1- "a certain man" (Vs. 16) -- The man who gave the supper represents Jesus.
2- "invited many" (Vs. 16) -- Those who were invited to the supper represent those who are lost .... like you and I were before we came to Jesus.
3- "sent His servant" (Vs. 17a) -- The servant that went out to invite others represents you and me -- growing spiritually -- and going to share the gospel with our friends.
4- "a great supper" (Vs. 16) -- The supper represents being saved.


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