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by David Cawston

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Re-Fathering of our homes (6 of 6)
Series: Extreme Makeover: Family Edition
David Cawston

There has been a trend in the last two and a half decades with the rise of the women's movement.
That trend has happened at the expense of men.
I remember a few years ago at the men's gathering of Promise Keepers on the Mall in Washington DC I ran into a protest lead by the then president of the National Organization of Women, Patricia Ireland. She said of Promise Keepers "Promise Keepers have created a false veneer of men taking responsibility when they really mean men taking charge."

Men have been made fun of in movies, TV commercials, magazines, and all kinds of public media.
We have been demeaned, shown to be uncaring, ignorant, unfaithful, undependable, effeminate, clumsy, etc.

We have internally believed what has been projected and have acted what has been portrayed.
This has lead to the increase in homosexuality; the divorce rate, crime, and the destruction of the home and American society.
The toll of this kind of ridicule has affected our male psyche.

Many men have abdicated their responsibility as fathers and leaders.
They are frustrated and confused and many times even feel unnecessary.
They have left our children abandoned.
They have given control of everything over to mother.
The kids had talked Mom into getting a hamster They promised to take care of their pet, whom they named "Danny."
Within two months, though, Mom was taking care of Danny. One day Mom decided enough was enough; Danny would be given to a new owner. She called the kids together to tell them. One child said, "I'll miss him. He's been around here a long time." The other child remarked, "Maybe he could stay if he ate less and wasn't so messy." Mom was firm, "It is time to take Danny to a new home."
"Danny?" the kids wailed, "We thought you said Daddy."

The response of men to this onslaught has been in three ways.
1. Some men have just bought into the idea of wh ...

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