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by Jerry Vines

Scripture: JOHN 3:16

The Greatest Gift of All
Christmas 2005
Jerry Vines
John 3:16

I have been preaching as a pastor on the subject of Christmas for 50 years. I have approached the Christmas story from every conceivable angle. I have talked about the characters of Christmas. I have talked about the meaning and message of Christmas. I have talked about the Old Testament prophecies of Christmas. I have dealt with every Christmas theme, every Christmas scripture subject I have known to use.

In 1994 was the last time we had Christmas day on the Lord's Day. I don't know how many more years it will be, but I want to take advantage of this opportunity to tell the story once more of the meaning of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The song that Todd sang had the words right in the middle of it that I want to use as my theme this morning because I want to talk to you about the greatest gift of all.

What is the greatest gift you ever received at Christmas? I think that probably the greatest gift I ever received at Christmas was when I was a little boy and I received an orange and a baseball for Christmas. That doesn't sound like a whole lot but back in those years it was. I distinctly remember as if it were this morning that I walked out in the front yard with the orange I had received and with the baseball. I threw the orange up in the air and I caught it. I threw the baseball up in the air and I caught it. I was in business because I had a baseball.

I look on that as probably the greatest gift I received. There were wonderful things along the way. But what's the greatest one? Think for a moment about the greatest gift you ever received.

These letters to Santa Claus are interesting to me. I remember one time that there was a letter that came in that said, "Dear Santa, you didn't bring me anything last year. In fact, you didn't bring me anything the year before that. This is your last chance. Signed Albert."

Then I think about another one. " ...

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