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by Steve Wagers

Scripture: ECCLESIASTES 7:11-29
This content is part of a series.

A Jack of All Trades, A Master of ONE (8 of 13)
Series: A Closer Look at the Book Ecclesiastes
Steve N. Wagers
Ecclesiastes 7:11-29
October 2, 2005

Sermon Outline
A. A Proper Perspective of Human Prosperity!
B. A Proper Perspective of Divine Providence!
2. The POWER that Wisdom DEFENDS!
A. Power to Deal with Difficult Problems!
B. Power to Deal with Difficult People!
3. The PURPOSE that Wisdom DECLARES!
A. A Thorough Investigation!
B. A Telling Revelation!

1. I know of many people who are a "jack of all trades." They are able to do, and accomplish many, many things. They have the ability to wear many hats at home, at work, at school, at recreation or at whatever they set out to do. Yet, I believe if there is anything we ought to seek to be good at it is in regards to the matter of wisdom. Solomon reminds us that being a jack of all trades is not near as important as being a jack of ONE trade, the trade of wisdom.

2. I recently read of a man named Walter Cavanaugh who has been nicknamed "The King of Plastic." Mr. Cavanaugh currently holds 1, 497 active credit cards that give him a total credit line of $1.7 million. His collection of plastic money all began as a bet with a friend in the late 60's. By the end of their yearlong bet, he gathered 5 more cards than his friend, 143 to 138, giving him the victory.

3. However, Cavanaugh enjoyed it so much that he just kept on going by applying for, and receiving more and more credit cards. Yet, although Walter Cavanaugh carries more credit cards than anyone else in the world, he is much more disciplined than the average American. He only uses 1 card for personal use and faithfully, regularly and completely pays off the balance at the end of the each month. As a result, he has achieved a credit score that is near perfect.

4. Wisdom is important to God, because He gives it. Wisdom is important to the devil, because he hates it. But, wisdo ...

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