How to Pray in a Crisis (7 of 12)
Series: Isaiah
Jerry Vines
Isaiah 36-39
In Isaiah 36 through 39 we really come to a transition section in the book of Isaiah. Actually, what you have here is a historical interlude, so to speak, dropped right between the two main divisions of Isaiah.
We closed out last Wednesday night in chapter 35 with Isaiah's great vision of the millennium on the earth and the glories of the future millennium that God has for us.
Now then from prophecy, he drops back down into history. He moves from the lofty realms of the sweet bye and bye down to the nitty gritty of the here and now. He talks about some of the problems that are encountered in the historical perspective here.
As you move through these chapters, you will discover that what you have is a transition, and the first two chapters, chapters 36 and 37, look backward. The nation that the children of God are dealing with in those chapters is the nation of Assyria. Then chapters 38 and 39 look forward to the second division of Isaiah. Babylon will come into view in those chapters.
Hezekiah is the main character in these chapters. Isaiah is the prophet. God is giving him these different visions we've been studying, but Hezekiah is the king of Judah who Isaiah interrelated to in this particular period of time in history.
I have told you before about when Janet and I were dating, and I used to play tricks on her. She was from the city, Atlanta. I lived in a rural county. I remember one time that we were riding around and there was this red clover on the side of the road. I said, "My, aren't those pretty strawberries." Janet said, "Yes, don't they smell good."
Then one time I said to her, "Janet, have you ever read the book of Hezekiah?" She said, "Yes, but I didn't understand it."
I've laughed about that through the years, but actually there are some Bible scholars who call Isaiah 36 through 39 the book of Hezekiah. So Janet may have known ...
Series: Isaiah
Jerry Vines
Isaiah 36-39
In Isaiah 36 through 39 we really come to a transition section in the book of Isaiah. Actually, what you have here is a historical interlude, so to speak, dropped right between the two main divisions of Isaiah.
We closed out last Wednesday night in chapter 35 with Isaiah's great vision of the millennium on the earth and the glories of the future millennium that God has for us.
Now then from prophecy, he drops back down into history. He moves from the lofty realms of the sweet bye and bye down to the nitty gritty of the here and now. He talks about some of the problems that are encountered in the historical perspective here.
As you move through these chapters, you will discover that what you have is a transition, and the first two chapters, chapters 36 and 37, look backward. The nation that the children of God are dealing with in those chapters is the nation of Assyria. Then chapters 38 and 39 look forward to the second division of Isaiah. Babylon will come into view in those chapters.
Hezekiah is the main character in these chapters. Isaiah is the prophet. God is giving him these different visions we've been studying, but Hezekiah is the king of Judah who Isaiah interrelated to in this particular period of time in history.
I have told you before about when Janet and I were dating, and I used to play tricks on her. She was from the city, Atlanta. I lived in a rural county. I remember one time that we were riding around and there was this red clover on the side of the road. I said, "My, aren't those pretty strawberries." Janet said, "Yes, don't they smell good."
Then one time I said to her, "Janet, have you ever read the book of Hezekiah?" She said, "Yes, but I didn't understand it."
I've laughed about that through the years, but actually there are some Bible scholars who call Isaiah 36 through 39 the book of Hezekiah. So Janet may have known ...
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