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by Jerry Branch

Scripture: PSALM 42:1-2
This content is part of a series.

Worship....Heart Check (1 of 7)
Gerald Branch
Psalm 42:1-2

"AS the deer pants for the water brooks,
So my soul pants for Thee, O God.
2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God;
When shall I come and appear before God? "

The Lord has led me to start a new series today.
The focus passage that He has given me to start this series out with a fairly familiar passage...Psalm 42.1-2.
Here's the challenge...would you be brutally honest with God today?...
Would you strive to answer this question with the help of the Holy Spirit?
Would we answer honestly, the question...
Do we truly, do we really "LONG for God?"
In other words, do we, both individually, and as a church family, LONG to come before the Lord with such a thirst for God that we're just like a deer panting for the water brooks?

You see, the Longing for God like the deer pants for water brooks is a MARK of a believer TRULY worshiping in Spirit and in Truth.

This is the kind of worship we should have in our own lives.
This is the kind of worship we should experience in our church.

Unfortunately, that is not always the case.
And WHEN we aren't worshipping in spirit and in truth,
we're grieving the Holy Spirit,
and that stifles what God wants to do in our lives.
And one of the biggest issues facing you and me, and our church, as well as churches all across America, is just that...grieving the Holy Spirit, through creating and hanging onto what the Bible calls 'idols'...idols which we bring into our personal lives,
and idols we bring into our church worship.
And idols are anything we allow to replace or squeeze out God,
or that we look to as being more important
at any given moment than God Himself.
And that causes a real breakdown in our worship of God.
You see, folks...we like the idea of saying we're 'a priesthood' with the right to hear God and approach God individually,
but that priesthood carries with it something greater...
We also have ...

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