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by Stan Coffey

Scripture: PHILIPPIANS 4:13
This content is part of a series.

Six Keys to Confident Living (3 of 7)
Series: Improving Your Self-Confidence
Stan Coffey
Philippians 4:13

If you have your Bible I invite you to turn to Philippians 4. We are in a series of messages on "Improving Your Self-Confidence". And today I want to speak to you about "Six Keys To Confident Living". Philippians 4:13 is one of the most amazing statements of self-esteem and self-confidence that you could read anywhere in the Bible or outside the Bible. And what makes it amazing is it's made by a man under the most adverse of circumstances. It is made by the apostle Paul when he was in prison. And when almost all of his friends have forsaken him and when he is facing a sure death after being used of God and after going through many glorious experiences. He finds himself at the end of the race sitting in a prison.

But this statement is not the statement of a man who feels sorry for him self. It is not the statement of a man who is wallowing in self-pity, but a statement of a man who knows he is in the very center of the will of God for his life. And today if you can say what this man says and mean it and understand it in your own life, it will revolutionize and change your life. And it will mean that you know who you are in Christ and you know who Christ is in you.

Now if we didn't know his background, his heart, and his love for God we might think that he was making a statement totally dependent upon his own ego and his own inflated view of him self. But he is making a statement based on many years of walking with God that has given him a confidence about his life. Why is it important to have self-confidence? Well, in 1982 the Gallup Organization took a survey to study the impact of self-esteem and confidence on peoples' lives. In that study they discovered that people who had a high level of self-confidence had the following characteristics: they were more successful, more satisfied with their lives, more willing to help others i ...

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