How to Live Life to its Fullest
Robert Walker
Living life to the fullest every day is it a possibility? Living life to the fullest is that just pie in the sky or is it a possibility.
Well the Apostle Paul though it was a possibility and that is the reason he wrote to the Colossians chapter 4:17 and he says," Here is how you can live life to the fullest everyday.
Read verse 17 and say to Archippus take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it.
We are not given much information about Archippus therefore we really don't know who this person is. We do know he was a member of the church at Colosse. He was a real close friend of Philemom. We know he was a supporter and champion of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
He was an officer holder or lay leader in the church. Apparently he was not an ordained minister as such. He wasn't called out like Paul and Peter and James and John.
He is just one of those ordinary leaders of the church and Paul had a special message for him because apparently he was having a little problem with enjoying life every day.
And Paul has a special message for Archippus this is the way you can live life to its fullest everyday. But it wasn't just a message for one man it was a message to all of them.
He said in verse 17 here is what you have got to learned to do. See to it that you have completed the work you have received in the Lord.
One translation says, "See to it you have fulfilled the ministry you have received from the Lord. The Phillips translation says, a brief message to Archippus God ordained you to do the work. See to it that you don't fail him.
The New English Bible says, attend to the duty entrusted to you in the Lord's service and discharge it to the full. And Paul is saying to him, "If you really want to live life to its fullest everyday make everyday a ministry to the Lord.
You need to learn to minister everyday and the only way to have a blessed ...
Robert Walker
Living life to the fullest every day is it a possibility? Living life to the fullest is that just pie in the sky or is it a possibility.
Well the Apostle Paul though it was a possibility and that is the reason he wrote to the Colossians chapter 4:17 and he says," Here is how you can live life to the fullest everyday.
Read verse 17 and say to Archippus take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it.
We are not given much information about Archippus therefore we really don't know who this person is. We do know he was a member of the church at Colosse. He was a real close friend of Philemom. We know he was a supporter and champion of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
He was an officer holder or lay leader in the church. Apparently he was not an ordained minister as such. He wasn't called out like Paul and Peter and James and John.
He is just one of those ordinary leaders of the church and Paul had a special message for him because apparently he was having a little problem with enjoying life every day.
And Paul has a special message for Archippus this is the way you can live life to its fullest everyday. But it wasn't just a message for one man it was a message to all of them.
He said in verse 17 here is what you have got to learned to do. See to it that you have completed the work you have received in the Lord.
One translation says, "See to it you have fulfilled the ministry you have received from the Lord. The Phillips translation says, a brief message to Archippus God ordained you to do the work. See to it that you don't fail him.
The New English Bible says, attend to the duty entrusted to you in the Lord's service and discharge it to the full. And Paul is saying to him, "If you really want to live life to its fullest everyday make everyday a ministry to the Lord.
You need to learn to minister everyday and the only way to have a blessed ...
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