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by Robert Walker

Scripture: EPHESIANS 2

A New Year, A New You
Robert Walker
Ephesians 2

When we come down to this period of time there are two things that are just instinctively done. One is prediction and the other is resolution.

And if you have ever done it most of the time the predictions never come true and the resolutions are never kept. The only thing broken more than resolutions is the Ten Commandments.


George Bush must be protected in January. He may not finish his term in office – Sean David Morton Nothing happened to George Bush. Morton claims he alerted the secret services and they increased the security on the President and that's why nothing happened to him January – March Yellowstone Park will erupt – Sylvia Browne nothing happened 23rd January – 5th February is a risky time for the US – Joseph Jacobs He claims he got this correct because of a terrorist strike in Iraq. Also Ricin was found in the Senate on 1st February 29th January – 1st February could be strike dates for terrorism in the US – Joseph Jacobs Wrong. Nothing happened. Some claim that this could mean the flights from Britain and France that were cancelled, but this started around Christmas time. As nothing happened and he wasn't more specific I am marking this down as a miss 30th January – 23rd March is a hard time for Israel – Joseph Jacobs Suicide bombings continue in Israel and but this happens all year round

Carolina Panthers will win the Super Bowl 20 – 17 – Sean David Morton Wrong. New England won 32 - 29. In his email to me SDM had this to say 'Panthers vs. Pats in the SUPERBOWL. AGAIN, PRINT THE WHOLE STORY! I stated CLEARLY that this was based on what I felt would be an UP year in the markets and that if the PATS won the economy would tank.
ALSO, I told everyone that it would be, and I quote, "A THREE POINT GAME!" I bet $1000 on the game, and IF YOU HAD TAKEN my advice, you would have WON, as I did, because it WAS a three point game, AND the Panthers beat the 6.5 point spread.' ...

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