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by Dennis Marquardt

Scripture: GENESIS 2:25, GENESIS 3
This content is part of a series.

Temptation to Go Own Way (1 of 4)
Dennis Marquardt
Genesis 2:25-3:24

The world scoffs at the Christian message about sin and the fall of man in the persons of Adam and Eve. Their attitude is: "So what is the big deal over eating an apple?" What they don't understand is the effect of that one act of disobedience. Temptation and sin are no minor problems, and it is not a laughing matter!

Illus: In 1868 a Frenchman imported a few gypsy moths to this country to crossbreed them with silk worms. One night a few of them escaped from the cage at his home in Melrose, Mass. He was terrified and quickly notified his neighbors for help, but they laughed at him for making such a big deal out of a few small moths! 20 years later every bit of green foliage for miles around Melrose was devoured, and today we spend in excess of $75,000,000 every year just to keep the gypsy moth under control in new England! What seemed small at the moment has shown just how really devastating a decision can be later! -- such was Adam and eve's sin!– Source Unknown

The greatest temptation and the easiest to fall into is the temptation to go our own way in life! It was this temptation that led to the fall of man in the beginning ... and it is still the greatest temptation that many yield to.

PROP. SENT: The Bible will teach us that we must be careful not to yield to the temptation to go our own way, to think that we can do just fine without God!


A. Secure! 2:25
1. Notice that this verse states that "Adam and Eve were both naked and they felt no shame." (NIV)
a. There was no sense of evil, no shame ... they were in perfect harmony with God and each other ... no sin!
b. There were no questions at this point about God's Word ... they accepted His Word without question; they walked in perfect obedience to God's Word.
c. No wonder David so often talked about how wonderful it was to those who lo ...

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