Going Forward in Faith
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
Exodus 13:17-22
October 26, 2003
For seven Sundays ... we have been celebrating our past! Those that we follow had a great vision for building bridges to their culture. They not only had a great vision .. they had a great faith!
They trusted God enough to say, "Let's do something great for the Kingdom! Let's do something we've never done before! Let's move forward and trust God for the impossible."
And God blessed their "whatever it takes" spirit! And through their faith and vision ... they began a work and witness that has now lasted 60 years!
.. Sixty years of preaching the gospel!
.. Sixty years of reaching the lost!
.. Sixty years People Sharing Jesus!
.. Sixty years of Sunday School!
.. Sixty years of worship and praise! That is our heritage! That is our legacy!
Now having celebrated our past these last seven Sundays .. today we begin charting our future! It is decision time! It is time that we decide what the children of Israel decided so long ago: to Go Forward in Faith!
We read about that in Exodus 13. So join me in the 13th chapter of the book of Exodus. In many ways ... we find ourselves as a church in the same position of the children of Israel in Exodus 13.
They had to decide weather they were going forward in faith and ultimately live or remain where they were and ultimately die.
And of course I am talking about their Red Sea Encounter. Now somebody says, "Pastor, you don't really mean that you believe the Red Sea story literally happened? That the waters divided and the children of Israel walked through on dry land? You've got to be kidding?"
I read about a little boy who came home from Sunday School one day. His mother asked, 'Son, what did they teach you today in Sunday School?" He said, "Well, they told the story of how Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt into the Promised Land."
She said, "Well, tell me about it." Th ...
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
Exodus 13:17-22
October 26, 2003
For seven Sundays ... we have been celebrating our past! Those that we follow had a great vision for building bridges to their culture. They not only had a great vision .. they had a great faith!
They trusted God enough to say, "Let's do something great for the Kingdom! Let's do something we've never done before! Let's move forward and trust God for the impossible."
And God blessed their "whatever it takes" spirit! And through their faith and vision ... they began a work and witness that has now lasted 60 years!
.. Sixty years of preaching the gospel!
.. Sixty years of reaching the lost!
.. Sixty years People Sharing Jesus!
.. Sixty years of Sunday School!
.. Sixty years of worship and praise! That is our heritage! That is our legacy!
Now having celebrated our past these last seven Sundays .. today we begin charting our future! It is decision time! It is time that we decide what the children of Israel decided so long ago: to Go Forward in Faith!
We read about that in Exodus 13. So join me in the 13th chapter of the book of Exodus. In many ways ... we find ourselves as a church in the same position of the children of Israel in Exodus 13.
They had to decide weather they were going forward in faith and ultimately live or remain where they were and ultimately die.
And of course I am talking about their Red Sea Encounter. Now somebody says, "Pastor, you don't really mean that you believe the Red Sea story literally happened? That the waters divided and the children of Israel walked through on dry land? You've got to be kidding?"
I read about a little boy who came home from Sunday School one day. His mother asked, 'Son, what did they teach you today in Sunday School?" He said, "Well, they told the story of how Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt into the Promised Land."
She said, "Well, tell me about it." Th ...
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