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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: II TIMOTHY 1:6-12

Facing our Fears
Dr. Ernest L. Easley
II Timothy 1:6-12
March 19, 2000

As you are finding the book of 2nd Timothy in your New Testament .. I want to ask you a question? What are you afraid of this morning? What are you dealing with these days that's causing you fear?

I read this week about one child that was afraid of storms. One night .. a big storm came up and he asked his Mother to stay in his room that night. She said, "Honey, you'll be all right without me. I have to stay with Daddy." As she turned to leave his room .. she heard her son say under his breath, "Daddy .. that big sissy."

You may feel like that the man who wrote this honest confession: "Whenever thunder splits the air, My dog gets quite unsteady; He dives beneath the bed to find .. that I am already there."

The truth is .. we all face fears. Children fear being alone. Adolescents fear rejection. Young adults fear failure of their dreams. Senior adults fear Social Security drying up! Most of us are like that man who said, "I don't have any problems with eternal life and salvation and all of that .. it's these next 24 hours that I'm worried about."

Well .. it's from the 1st chapter of 2nd Timothy that I want to show you this morning how to Face your Fears and come out on top! Let me tell you ahead of time that God never intended you to live a fear-free life. Not all fear is bad. There is such a thing as healthy fear .. holy fear .. helpful fear. But there is also hurtful and unhealthy fear and we need to know the difference.

That's what Paul's talking about here in 2 Timothy chapter1. Let's begin reading in chapter 1 verse 6 as we learn from God's Word about ..

"Facing our Fears"
2 Timothy 1.6-12

Now back in verse 6 Paul says to "stir up the gift (???????: charisma) of God which is in you .." Literally he says, "to fan the flame of the gift of God which is in you."

Now we've been talking about grace gifts for several weeks and here ...

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