by Stan Coffey
Scripture: MARK 5:1-10, MARK 5:17-20
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Deliverance from the Devil (2 of 10)
Series: A Mighty Savior
Stan Coffey
Mark 5:1-10; 17-20
I want you to take your Bible and turn to Mark chapter 5. We are going to be thinking along the theme of "A Mighty Savior." I preached the first message in this series about the man who was brought to Jesus by four of his friends. We are going to be looking at a mighty Savior because the church of Jesus Christ needs to focus its eyes, not upon its problem, not upon its weaknesses, but upon the Lord, amen? You need to get your eyes upon one who is called a mighty Savior. And today we are going to look at a mighty Savior as He confronts the powers of hell.
Now as we look at this passage of Scripture, it is one of my favorites in all the Word of God, I know I say that every time I preach, but it really is one of my favorite passages of Scripture. I love this passage that depicts our Savior as such a mighty Savior.
But I want us to see in these verses that we have read, first of all a miserable soul. For As Jesus and the disciples come to the country of the Gadarenes a most strange individual confronts them. He is one who has his dwelling among the tombs. He has absolutely no clothing upon him. I guess he was the first streaker! I don't know, but he had no clothes on! His hair must have been long and matted, his body must have been bleeding from the cuts he had inflicted upon himself. And he is yelling like a Comanche Indian as he bounds down the mountainside to the Sea of Galilee. I can almost see Simon Peter as he scurries back on the ship and up the mast to hide from this man. I mean the disciples must have been frightened when they saw this man.
But he is a miserable soul. He is miserable first of all because of the demons within his life. He is miserable because he is a demented man. The Bible says that he not only had one demon but that his body, his spirit was infested with legions of demons, that is thousands ...
Series: A Mighty Savior
Stan Coffey
Mark 5:1-10; 17-20
I want you to take your Bible and turn to Mark chapter 5. We are going to be thinking along the theme of "A Mighty Savior." I preached the first message in this series about the man who was brought to Jesus by four of his friends. We are going to be looking at a mighty Savior because the church of Jesus Christ needs to focus its eyes, not upon its problem, not upon its weaknesses, but upon the Lord, amen? You need to get your eyes upon one who is called a mighty Savior. And today we are going to look at a mighty Savior as He confronts the powers of hell.
Now as we look at this passage of Scripture, it is one of my favorites in all the Word of God, I know I say that every time I preach, but it really is one of my favorite passages of Scripture. I love this passage that depicts our Savior as such a mighty Savior.
But I want us to see in these verses that we have read, first of all a miserable soul. For As Jesus and the disciples come to the country of the Gadarenes a most strange individual confronts them. He is one who has his dwelling among the tombs. He has absolutely no clothing upon him. I guess he was the first streaker! I don't know, but he had no clothes on! His hair must have been long and matted, his body must have been bleeding from the cuts he had inflicted upon himself. And he is yelling like a Comanche Indian as he bounds down the mountainside to the Sea of Galilee. I can almost see Simon Peter as he scurries back on the ship and up the mast to hide from this man. I mean the disciples must have been frightened when they saw this man.
But he is a miserable soul. He is miserable first of all because of the demons within his life. He is miserable because he is a demented man. The Bible says that he not only had one demon but that his body, his spirit was infested with legions of demons, that is thousands ...
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