by Stan Coffey
Scripture: I CORINTHIANS 4:1-5
This content is part of a series.
Faithful to the World (9 of 11)
Series: What's In It For Me?
Stan Coffey
I Corinthians 4:1-5
I think that verse pretty well answers the question, if you serve Christ, what's in it for you? When the Lord comes, each will be receive the praise for what they have done for the Lord Jesus Christ. I like this subject, I like to talk about faithfulness because whether it is a business organization or whether it is an athletic team, or whether it is some kind of other endeavor in life, faithfulness is the key to success. Faithfulness is the key to success in every realm of life. Faithfulness is what the Bible emphasizes for the life of Christian. We must be faithful, faithful in all things. The writer of Proverbs, Solomon, the wisest man in the old testament, asks the question in Proverbs 20:6, "Most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness, but a faithful man, who can find?" I know a lot of pastors who ask that same question, faithful man who can find? He was saying it is rare to find someone who is really, truly, faithful to the inth degree of the word faithful of what God requires as faithful. For instance in Revelation, we read that Jesus said to the persecuted church, "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life." He said this to a church going through hard times, difficult times; to people who were oppressed and they were serving the Lord in spite of it all and yet the message from Christ to them was, be faithful, stay by the stuff, continue to be faithful in what you are doing, don't give up, don't turn back, don't slack off, don't just go through the motions, be faithful even if it costs your life and I will give you a crown of life.
Webster's says that faithfulness is being true in affection and allegiance. So if that is true, then faithfulness is more than going through the motions. Faithfulness if more than showing up, it is the attitude with which you show up. It is affection and allegiance. Faithfulness implies l ...
Series: What's In It For Me?
Stan Coffey
I Corinthians 4:1-5
I think that verse pretty well answers the question, if you serve Christ, what's in it for you? When the Lord comes, each will be receive the praise for what they have done for the Lord Jesus Christ. I like this subject, I like to talk about faithfulness because whether it is a business organization or whether it is an athletic team, or whether it is some kind of other endeavor in life, faithfulness is the key to success. Faithfulness is the key to success in every realm of life. Faithfulness is what the Bible emphasizes for the life of Christian. We must be faithful, faithful in all things. The writer of Proverbs, Solomon, the wisest man in the old testament, asks the question in Proverbs 20:6, "Most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness, but a faithful man, who can find?" I know a lot of pastors who ask that same question, faithful man who can find? He was saying it is rare to find someone who is really, truly, faithful to the inth degree of the word faithful of what God requires as faithful. For instance in Revelation, we read that Jesus said to the persecuted church, "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life." He said this to a church going through hard times, difficult times; to people who were oppressed and they were serving the Lord in spite of it all and yet the message from Christ to them was, be faithful, stay by the stuff, continue to be faithful in what you are doing, don't give up, don't turn back, don't slack off, don't just go through the motions, be faithful even if it costs your life and I will give you a crown of life.
Webster's says that faithfulness is being true in affection and allegiance. So if that is true, then faithfulness is more than going through the motions. Faithfulness if more than showing up, it is the attitude with which you show up. It is affection and allegiance. Faithfulness implies l ...
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