by Stan Coffey
This content is part of a series.
Improving Your Love Life (8 of 10)
Recovering From Resentment
Stan Coffey
1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
If you have your Bible today, I want us to turn to I Corinthians 13. We are looking at the love chapter and talking about how to improve your love life. Today I want to follow up on the last message on how to deal with anger, “Making Anger Your Ally” with a message entitled “Recovering From Resentment.” Let’s look at I Corinthians 13, the great chapter that tells us the greatest Christian virtue, the greatest Christian quality, the thing that will endure for eternity is love. And what a key it is to living the Christian life. How can we endure, how can we go on, how can we respond to all that is happening in our world? And how can we continue to serve God? Well it tells us here in verse 4.
It is a fact in life that you are going to be hurt from time to time by people who hurt you intentionally or by people who hurt you unintentionally, but you are going to be hurt. How we handle the hurt that comes to us in life will determine our happiness to a great degree. We cannot avoid the hurt that comes. Every person on earth is going to experience it. But this passage today says that love keeps no record of wrong. That is a bookkeeping term. That is an accounting term.
When you are hurt or when you are fearful and threatened of your security, I said last week, that anger is the result. If you don’t deal properly with anger, if anger is allowed to continue in your life, if it is not dealt with, if you don’t make it an ally rather than a detriment and you hold on to anger then it becomes resentment. And resentment is keeping score on people who have hurt you with the intention someday of getting even, never releasing that person of the debt they owe, because they wronged you, they hurt you, they treated you unfairly.
But the Bible says, we have to respond in love. And if we respond in love, we are responding as mature believers. And when we re ...
Recovering From Resentment
Stan Coffey
1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
If you have your Bible today, I want us to turn to I Corinthians 13. We are looking at the love chapter and talking about how to improve your love life. Today I want to follow up on the last message on how to deal with anger, “Making Anger Your Ally” with a message entitled “Recovering From Resentment.” Let’s look at I Corinthians 13, the great chapter that tells us the greatest Christian virtue, the greatest Christian quality, the thing that will endure for eternity is love. And what a key it is to living the Christian life. How can we endure, how can we go on, how can we respond to all that is happening in our world? And how can we continue to serve God? Well it tells us here in verse 4.
It is a fact in life that you are going to be hurt from time to time by people who hurt you intentionally or by people who hurt you unintentionally, but you are going to be hurt. How we handle the hurt that comes to us in life will determine our happiness to a great degree. We cannot avoid the hurt that comes. Every person on earth is going to experience it. But this passage today says that love keeps no record of wrong. That is a bookkeeping term. That is an accounting term.
When you are hurt or when you are fearful and threatened of your security, I said last week, that anger is the result. If you don’t deal properly with anger, if anger is allowed to continue in your life, if it is not dealt with, if you don’t make it an ally rather than a detriment and you hold on to anger then it becomes resentment. And resentment is keeping score on people who have hurt you with the intention someday of getting even, never releasing that person of the debt they owe, because they wronged you, they hurt you, they treated you unfairly.
But the Bible says, we have to respond in love. And if we respond in love, we are responding as mature believers. And when we re ...
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