by Stan Coffey
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Improving Your Love Life (7 of 10)
How to Make Anger Your Ally
Stan Coffey
I Corinthians 13:4-8a
Today we are going back to I Corinthians 13 and I have two or three more messages I would like to bring from this passage. Today I want to talk to you about “How To Make Anger Your Ally.” We don’t usually think of anger as an ally. We think of anger as a detriment as a foe and it certainly can be. But anger can be your ally. It can be a force that can be used by God as a positive reinforcement, as a positive trait in your life. It is all in how you handle your anger. Now this is the “love” chapter, I Corinthians 13:4. We have covered most of these thoughts down through verse 6 but look at verse 4 and think about some of the messages that we have covered and shared out of this chapter.
Last year half of all the murders in America were committed by people who knew each other. Six million wives were beaten by their husbands. Ten million children were beaten by their parents. These were people who obviously did not know how to make anger their ally and who had never learned how to manage anger in their life.
The Bible says in the verse we read, “love is not easily angered.” And of course, this chapter is a mirror, a reflection of the character of Christ. A reflection that the Holy Spirit wants to produce in us. Remember in Galatians 5:22 Paul says the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering or patience, temperance, goodness, kindness, faith. And so here is a part of the fruit of the Spirit that is love that is not easily angered. Are you easily angered? Are you impatient? Do you loose your temper a great deal? You see the people you are most likely to get angry with are the people that you love the most. Because when you perceive that you have needs in your life and they are not able to meet those needs, it is easy to get frustrated and angry with them.
So today what I would like to do is talk to you about six ways t ...
How to Make Anger Your Ally
Stan Coffey
I Corinthians 13:4-8a
Today we are going back to I Corinthians 13 and I have two or three more messages I would like to bring from this passage. Today I want to talk to you about “How To Make Anger Your Ally.” We don’t usually think of anger as an ally. We think of anger as a detriment as a foe and it certainly can be. But anger can be your ally. It can be a force that can be used by God as a positive reinforcement, as a positive trait in your life. It is all in how you handle your anger. Now this is the “love” chapter, I Corinthians 13:4. We have covered most of these thoughts down through verse 6 but look at verse 4 and think about some of the messages that we have covered and shared out of this chapter.
Last year half of all the murders in America were committed by people who knew each other. Six million wives were beaten by their husbands. Ten million children were beaten by their parents. These were people who obviously did not know how to make anger their ally and who had never learned how to manage anger in their life.
The Bible says in the verse we read, “love is not easily angered.” And of course, this chapter is a mirror, a reflection of the character of Christ. A reflection that the Holy Spirit wants to produce in us. Remember in Galatians 5:22 Paul says the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering or patience, temperance, goodness, kindness, faith. And so here is a part of the fruit of the Spirit that is love that is not easily angered. Are you easily angered? Are you impatient? Do you loose your temper a great deal? You see the people you are most likely to get angry with are the people that you love the most. Because when you perceive that you have needs in your life and they are not able to meet those needs, it is easy to get frustrated and angry with them.
So today what I would like to do is talk to you about six ways t ...
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