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by Stan Coffey

Scripture: REVELATION 19:11-16
This content is part of a series.

Armageddon: Cosmic Battle of the Ages (6 of 12)
Stage Six: The Glorious Appearing of the Messiah
Stan Coffey
Revelation 19:11-16

We want to continue in our series “Armageddon: Cosmic Battle of the Ages.” We are in stage six on the battle of Armageddon. As we continue to study, we are looking at the six stages of the war of Armageddon and we have been in this study for several weeks and we hope it gives you an understanding of what is to come in the future. But as I have said time and time again, that if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you can praise the Lord that you won’t be here, because He will take us in the rapture to be with Himself and we can praise Him that He has provided for us a way of escape. But the tribulation and all the events in the tribulation have to do with the Jewish nation and God’s seven years of dealing with Israel.
Our passage today you will find in Revelation 19:11. John is speaking here about the glorious appearing of Christ the Messiah. And stage six of the War of Armageddon is the glorious appearing of Christ Messiah. You might remember that last week we found the Antichrist and his armies after they had defeated Jerusalem. The armies of modern Israel had taken Jerusalem. They pursued the Israeli army and they pursued the fleeing remnant of Israel into the Judean desert and into the wilderness of Bozrah, which is in the area of southern Jordan, in that wilderness area where the city of Petra, ancient Petra is located. And there they have besieged the remnant, the Jewish people that are left. And also, the tribulation believers who will not take the mark of the beast and those who have fled there for safety. So just to set up the scene, all the people who are left on earth who have opposed the Antichrist and refused to follow him, who have refused to take his mark upon themselves are hiding or have fled for safety to this place that God has provided for them in the wilderness. And so as they are there hiding it ...

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