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by Stan Coffey

Scripture: REVELATION 19:11
This content is part of a series.

Armageddon: Cosmic Battle of the Ages (2 of 12)
The Presentation of the Appearance of the Messiah
Stan Coffey
Revelation 19:11

We have been studying Armageddon. It is based on the Tim Lahaye book "Armageddon." We started some weeks ago as we have been studying the biblical background of that novel. Now what we like to do is share with you the biblical background that the authors used as they fictionalized their story. They built their story about how these things might happen. So today, we come to the sixth stage of Armageddon. We have been talking about the sixth stage of the War of Armageddon. There is a seventh stage that we will begin next Sunday.
Last week we began in Revelation 19:11 as we began to study and we covered several verses. If you have your bible you may want to open to Revelation 19. I want to begin in verse 11 so that you can again get the context. The background of what is happening in the world at this particular time in the future is that the tribulation is coming to a close. The Antichrist has been reigning on the earth for seven years. He has conquered Jerusalem; he has chased the Jewish remnant into the wilderness into the area of Jordan known as Petra. And now he has besieged the remnant of the Jews and any remaining believers of Jesus at the tribulation time. And it looks, as all hope for them is gone. It looks as though the devil is finally going to do what he has been trying to do since the beginning of time and that is to wipe out God's plan of salvation that comes through God's chosen people. Satan through the years has tried to destroy God's chosen people, Israel and he has done it in many, many different ways and many different times. And it looks as though all hope is gone for Israel when they look up and they see their Messiah appear in the sky. And this we do call the glorious return of Jesus. But it is a part of the War of Armageddon and we cannot discuss Armageddon without discussing it. Now when we ge ...

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