The Peace of an Untroubled Heart
Jesse M. Hendley
John 13:1
Now, friends if you have your Bibles, turn with me to the Gospel of John, chapter 13, and verse 1. We will begin our study of "Walking with God in the Peace of an Untroubled Heart." Well, immediately there are questions that come to mind. You are talking about an untroubled heart, you mean a heart without trouble? You mean living a life of peace where trouble does not disturb and a peace that abides? Yes, we are talking about just exactly that.
You know, the Bible to many people is a strange book. For instance, the Bible says in Philippians 4:6, "Be careful (anxious) for nothing." Don't worry about anything. That is what the Bible says, and the Bible is the Word of God. Then God wants us to live a life in which we will not allow ourselves to be troubled. The Bible says in Philippians 4:4, "Rejoice in the Lord always." Isn't that a strange expression? How can you "rejoice always?" How can you rejoice when you are sick? How can you rejoice when the heart is grieved because you have lost a loved one, and you are so torn up inside? How can you stay on top of everything? How can you live a life free of worry, "be careful for nothing" and how can you "rejoice always" while suffering financial loss? Whatever the need, "Rejoice in the Lord always," and "Be careful (anxious) for nothing." These are the teachings of the Bible. The Scripture also says in I Thessalonians 4:18, "in everything give thanks." Give thanks "in everything." Now, it doesn't say for everything. The Bible elsewhere teaches that. We should live lives of thanksgiving. We should be thankful to God for everything because we don't create or originate anything. Everything that you and I have and are is a gift from God and we should thank Him. The very life we are enjoying this moment is a life given by God to us for us to enjoy. So, we ought to be thankful for it.
Now, this sounds strange, doesn't it? It does, unt ...
Jesse M. Hendley
John 13:1
Now, friends if you have your Bibles, turn with me to the Gospel of John, chapter 13, and verse 1. We will begin our study of "Walking with God in the Peace of an Untroubled Heart." Well, immediately there are questions that come to mind. You are talking about an untroubled heart, you mean a heart without trouble? You mean living a life of peace where trouble does not disturb and a peace that abides? Yes, we are talking about just exactly that.
You know, the Bible to many people is a strange book. For instance, the Bible says in Philippians 4:6, "Be careful (anxious) for nothing." Don't worry about anything. That is what the Bible says, and the Bible is the Word of God. Then God wants us to live a life in which we will not allow ourselves to be troubled. The Bible says in Philippians 4:4, "Rejoice in the Lord always." Isn't that a strange expression? How can you "rejoice always?" How can you rejoice when you are sick? How can you rejoice when the heart is grieved because you have lost a loved one, and you are so torn up inside? How can you stay on top of everything? How can you live a life free of worry, "be careful for nothing" and how can you "rejoice always" while suffering financial loss? Whatever the need, "Rejoice in the Lord always," and "Be careful (anxious) for nothing." These are the teachings of the Bible. The Scripture also says in I Thessalonians 4:18, "in everything give thanks." Give thanks "in everything." Now, it doesn't say for everything. The Bible elsewhere teaches that. We should live lives of thanksgiving. We should be thankful to God for everything because we don't create or originate anything. Everything that you and I have and are is a gift from God and we should thank Him. The very life we are enjoying this moment is a life given by God to us for us to enjoy. So, we ought to be thankful for it.
Now, this sounds strange, doesn't it? It does, unt ...
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