by Stan Coffey
Scripture: HEBREWS 11:6
This content is part of a series.
The Pathway to Recovery (2 of 8)
There Is Help When You Hurt
Stan Coffey
Hebrews 11:6
If you have your Bible this morning, we are going to look at Hebrews 11:6 as we begin. Last Sunday we started an eight part series entitled "The Pathway To Recovery." And we talked about the first step to recovery. We are going to talk about eight steps in all, but the first step we will let be represented by the letter "R". As we make an acrostic through these eight Sundays we will spell the word "RECOVERY". And the letter "R" is the first step on the pathway to recovery and that is to realize I am not God. That I am powerless to control my tendency for destructive behavior. And apart from God I will never be able to break that pattern. I will never be able to change apart from Him to realize that I am not God.
Now today, the letter "E" and that is to earnestly believe that God exists. That I matter to Him and that He has the power to help me recover. That is what we want to be talking about. That is what this verse says, Hebrews 11:6.
And so in that verse you have the second step to recovery. To earnestly believe that God exists, that you matter to Him and He has the power to help you recover. Now why a series on recovery? Because life is just one recovery after another, recovering from the hurts in life, from the storms of life, from the blows in life. And all of us are in the process of trying to recover from something. It may be trying to recover from a divorce, or co-dependency, or destructive relationship, or depression, or maybe there was a loss in your family, the loss of a loved one. And you are still going through the loss process and you need to recover from grief. You see there is help when we hurt. Jesus said we are going to have tribulation in the world. He told us that we wouldn't be exempt from the hurts of life. So everybody sitting here today has a hurt. And you are going through a time when you are seeking to recover i ...
There Is Help When You Hurt
Stan Coffey
Hebrews 11:6
If you have your Bible this morning, we are going to look at Hebrews 11:6 as we begin. Last Sunday we started an eight part series entitled "The Pathway To Recovery." And we talked about the first step to recovery. We are going to talk about eight steps in all, but the first step we will let be represented by the letter "R". As we make an acrostic through these eight Sundays we will spell the word "RECOVERY". And the letter "R" is the first step on the pathway to recovery and that is to realize I am not God. That I am powerless to control my tendency for destructive behavior. And apart from God I will never be able to break that pattern. I will never be able to change apart from Him to realize that I am not God.
Now today, the letter "E" and that is to earnestly believe that God exists. That I matter to Him and that He has the power to help me recover. That is what we want to be talking about. That is what this verse says, Hebrews 11:6.
And so in that verse you have the second step to recovery. To earnestly believe that God exists, that you matter to Him and He has the power to help you recover. Now why a series on recovery? Because life is just one recovery after another, recovering from the hurts in life, from the storms of life, from the blows in life. And all of us are in the process of trying to recover from something. It may be trying to recover from a divorce, or co-dependency, or destructive relationship, or depression, or maybe there was a loss in your family, the loss of a loved one. And you are still going through the loss process and you need to recover from grief. You see there is help when we hurt. Jesus said we are going to have tribulation in the world. He told us that we wouldn't be exempt from the hurts of life. So everybody sitting here today has a hurt. And you are going through a time when you are seeking to recover i ...
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